The camp supplies dampened during the long rainy season. 营地的补给品在漫长的雨季里受潮了。
Morale should be boosted, not dampened. 气可鼓而不可泄。
Moisture from an underground river had dampened the walls. 地下河的湿气使周围墙壁也很潮湿。
It really dampened my passion. 这真的是给我破了瓢冷水。
The bad news dampened our spirit for going out for a picnic. 我们原本打算外出野餐,但是突如其来的坏消息给我们破了盆冷水。
New-home prices in China dropped in June for a second straight month as a sluggish economy and excess supply has dampened domestic interest, according to the China Real Estate Index System Survey. 由于不景气的经济和超额的供给抑制了内需,根据中国房地产指数系统调查,中国国内新住房的价格在六月已经是连续第二个月下降。
Changes in Chinese visitors 'spending patterns have dampened Hong Kong's retail revenue as well, he said. 他说,大陆游客消费模式的变化也对香港的零售额构成拖累。
If you are not drowned, your confidence can be severely dampened. 即使不被淹死,你的信心也会受到严重挫伤。
My palms dampened as I saw water rippled under the wings and thought chances were good we ended up in the sea water if it were not for the expertise of the pilots. 当我看见机翼下的水波时,手心都湿透了。如果不是飞行员技术精湛的话,我们太可能降落在海水里了。
Other retailers said their sales suffered from the weak economy and an early Easter that dampened clothing sales. 其他的零售商说他们的销售受到经济疲弱和复活节提前导致服装销售减少的损害。
Investment growth has been dampened by government curbs aimed at cooling a credit boom and surging housing costs. 投资增长一直受到政府控制针对冷却信贷繁荣和飞涨的住房费用。
Have a soft, clean cloth dampened with a detergent or alcohol. 使用一块用清洁剂或者酒精蘸湿的柔软、清洁的布片。
And even having limited resources with many labs unable to afford basic refrigeration has not dampened researchers'enthusiasm. 即便是资源的有限许多实验室甚至买不起基本的冷藏设施也没有抑制住科学家的热情。
Market volatility and an absence of large listings have dampened share issuance in Asian share markets. 市场表现波动,加上缺乏大型公司招股上市,令亚洲企业减少发行股份。
So far, this political triumph has boosted confidence in India more than the budget deficit has dampened it. 到目前为止,这一政治辉煌不仅缓和了财政赤字还提升了印度人民的信心。
We took a walk, but my spirits were very very sadly dampened. 我们去散步了,可是我心情十二万分消沉。
It was an unpleasant event and it dampened our spirit for a while. 那是一次不愉快的事情,使我们好一阵子都感到扫兴。
Mobile phone ownership in Asia has surged despite the regional financial crisis, which dampened consumption. 亚洲地区发生金融危机,抑制了消费,而亚洲的手机族人数却猛增。
I am dampened by the failure of business. 事业的失败使我非常沮丧。
The thunder storm dampened our enjoyment of the picnic, literally and metaphorically. 这场雷雨给我们野餐兴致名符其实地浇了冷水。
Yung added that several international buyers had bid for the stone but "confusion over exchange rates" had caused the auctioneer to retract some bids and may have dampened buyer enthusiasm. Yung还说有几名国际买家也开价但是由于对“汇率混乱”引起拍卖人撤销了一些出价从而打击了买家的热情性。
His pleasure was considerably dampened. 他的愉快心情不久就给大大冲淡了。
Miss su's parting manner dampened Fang hung-chien's high spirits. 苏小姐临别时的态度,冷缩了方鸿渐的高兴。
We begin this New Year with dampened enthusiasm and dented optimism. 我们在带着沮丧的热情和不容乐观中开始了新的一年。
But the joy that old Tong Bao and his family had been feeling was dampened. 但是老通宝他们满心的欢喜却被这件事打消了。
We have dampened her mating instinct. 我们已削弱她的交配本能。
It rained for such a short time that it hardly dampened the ground. 雨只下了一会儿几乎没有把地面打湿。
Economic uncertainties as a result of the global slowdown and the tight monetary policy at home have also dampened the real estate market. 全球经济放缓及国内紧缩货币政策所造成的不确定性,亦削弱了房地产市场。
Hence, barley is dampened, allowed to germinate, and is then dried and stored for subsequent use. 因此先将大麦润湿,促其发芽,然后将大麦芽干燥贮存备用。
I think the accident dampened his enthusiasm for the sport for a while. 我想那次事故在一段时间内使他对运动的热情有所减退。