VERB 指出…的错误;揭穿…的吹嘘(或虚假) If you debunk a widely held belief, you show that it is false. If you debunk something that is widely admired, you show that it is not as good as people think it is.
Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths. 历史学家迈克尔·贝施洛斯破除了几个不实传言。
...the Frenchmen of the enlightenment who debunked the church and the crown. 揭露教会和王室真相的启蒙运动时期的法国人
Keen, author of debunking economics, is a harsh critic of mainstream economists. 作为《揭穿经济学真相》(DebunkingEconomics)的作者,基恩是主流经济学家的严厉批评者。
Last year, Time magazine published an article debunking the merits of homeownership, while federal policymakers began wondering if many might have been financially better off renting versus buying. 《时代》杂志(Time)去年刊登了一篇文章,戳穿了买房有理的迷思。而美国的决策层也开始怀疑,对于许多人来说,租房是不是要比买房更划算。
Men are more likely than women to marry someone they feel is not quite right for them, debunking the myth that women will do anything for a ring and that men, on the other hand, will do anything to shun commitment. 男人其实比女人更能接受不是很有感觉的人作为自己的结婚对象,这打破了女人愿为结婚做任何事,而男人会不惜一切逃避婚姻承诺的不实传言。
Following the recent emergence of studies finding high levels of coronary plaque in marathon runners, sports medicine is debunking the myth that distance running confers near-absolute protection against heart disease. 新近诸多研究发现马拉松选手的冠状动脉斑块水平偏高后,运动医学界正在打破这样一种误解:长跑会对心脏病起到一种近乎绝对的防护作用。
The task was to cross-sell the packages to current passengers debunking the perception that traveling with Malaysia Airlines is expensive. 这项任务是将打包的优惠交叉销售给当前的旅客,改变人们认为的乘坐马来西亚航班很昂贵的观点。
What is amazing about the publication of this research is not that it concludes MSG allergy is a myth, but that a scientific journal still needs to bother debunking such pseudoscience at all. 这项报告的令人惊讶之处,并不在于它了“味精过敏是谬论”的结论,而在于一份科学杂志仍然需要不厌其烦地揭露伪科学的谎言。
We're debunking that myth as well with these findings. 研究正是要推翻这一误解。
High school, and university for that matter, is what you make of it, and after debunking these negative myths from high school, I wish you have the best university years to come. 高中,大学也一样,关键在于你怎么做。在我们揭穿这些高中的“潜规则”之后,我希望大家有一段美好的大学生活。
The Catholic Church and other Christian groups plan to combat the film with educational campaign aimed at debunking the movie's plot. 天主教教堂和其他基督教团体计划通过发起教育活动反驳此部电影,并揭穿电影情节的真相。
Each day for two weeks, I'm debunking one "happiness myth" that I believed before I started my happiness project. 在两周的时间里面的每天,我将来破解一个当我开始快乐计划之前相信的快乐错误观点。
To be fair, at least half of our pseudoscience features focused on debunking these practices instead of supporting them. 为了公平起见,我们的伪科学里至少有一半的特点聚焦在颠倒事实,而不是拥护实事。
As a science journalist with a regular column in Scientific American, Jeremy Marsh specializes in debunking the supernatural. 杰里米·马什是《科学美国人》的记者,负责杂志中一个神秘现象揭密的栏目。
In recent years, leading business schools have made efforts to woo women-recruiting students at undergraduate level, hosting conferences for prospective applicants headlined by female role models and hiring dedicated admissions staff charged with debunking myths about male-dominated MBA programmes. 近几年来,著名商学院一直在努力吸引女性:招录本科生;举行以女性榜样人物为主角的招生会;聘请敬业的招生工作人员来打破男性主导mba课程的神话。
For example, the former governor of Hong kong, Chris patten, devoted a chapter in his book, East and west, to debunking Asian values. 譬如,前香港总督彭定康在其著作《东方与西方》内,利用了一整章的篇幅来批驳亚洲价值观。
By type, the Japanese mean blood type, and no amount of scientific debunking can kill a widely held notion that blood tells all. 在日本,“型”指的是血型。科学依据再怎麽揭露真相,也无法消除人们“血型透露一切”这种根深蒂固的观念。
The debunking of religion has been too successful. 关于宗教的批判太成功了。
Much of the work of social scientists studying crime and delinquency leads to the debunking of common place myths. 研究犯罪和违法的社会科学家作了许多工作,从而证明了一些陈腐说法的谬误。