She dazzled London society as the most beautiful debutante of her generation. 她首次出现在伦敦社交界便艳惊四座,被视为同龄人里最美丽的年轻女子。
The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women came out in being officially introduced to society. 这个词从上流女子舞会里借用过来的,因为在这种场合中,年轻女子正式介绍到社交圈会时,都称作出柜。
Ms. Ho's high-end school charges 100,000 yuan for a 12-day course in being a hostess and 80,000 yuan for a 10-day 'debutante' course. 在何佩嵘这所高端礼仪学校里,为期12天的女主人礼仪课程收费10万元,为期10天的入门礼仪课程收费八万元。
It seems that coming out of the closet was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. 看起来出柜的出现是两个隐喻词的汇合:公开参加同一群体的社交活动,以及一个隐藏着的惊人秘密。
I attended a debutante ball. 我参加过一个初入社交的舞会。
Formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.. 代表国家等正式参加一种社交活动。
Explain to me what a debutante ball is, precisely. 给我准确地解释一下初入社交舞会。
What debutante bit you and turned you into a prom zombie? 什么邪风把你们搞成舞会狂了?
The same dress she wore to her own debutante ball? 她当年初入社交舞会的裙子嘛?
What should girls NOT prepare for a debutante ball? 女孩不应该为初入社交舞会准备什么?
Maria Sharapova is this year's phenomenon, probably wimbledon's principal debutante. 莎娃是今年的新起之秀,或许是温布顿主要的初登场人物。
The debutante's photograph was at the head of the society page. 那位初进社交界的少女的照片登在社会版的头条。
I have no interest in being a debutante. it's totally archaic. 我对社交亮相没兴趣,太老土了。
A debutante ball is all a girl could ask for. 初次社交是一个女孩所有的梦想。