If one of the successors knows about the death or if there is no way to make the notification, the organization to which the decedent belonged before his death or the residents 'committee or villagers' committee at his place of residence shall make the notification. 继承人中无人知道被继承人死亡或者知道被继承人死亡而不能通知的,由被继承人生前所在单位或者住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会负责通知。
Article 32 An estate which is left with neither a successor nor a legatee shall belong to the state or, where the decedent was a member of an organization under collective ownership before his or her death, to such an organization. 第三十二条无人继承又无人受遗赠的遗产,归国家所有;死者生前是集体所有制组织成员的,归所在集体所有制组织所有。
Article 33 The successor to an estate shall pay all taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law, up to the actual value of such estate, unless the successor pays voluntarily in excess of the limit. 第三十三条继承遗产应当清偿被继承人依法应当缴纳的税款和债务,缴纳税款和清偿债务以他的遗产实际价值为限。超过遗产实际价值部分,继承人自愿偿还的不在此限。
In the case where an administrator should be appointed, but not selected for whatever reason within six months following the death of decedent, the tax authority may submit a petition to the court for appointment of an administrator pursuant to the provisions of the non-litigation act. 其应选定遗产管理人,于死亡发生之日起六个月内未经选定呈报法院者,或因特定原因不能选定者,稽征机关得依非讼事件法之规定,申请法院指定遗产管理人。
The victim was smothered to death. ( 1) intentional killing of the decedent; 受害人被窒息致死。(一)故意杀害被继承人的;
Lily: Yes, the families also cherish the feelings with the decedent. 恩,亲人也很珍视与死者之间的感情。
I can` t believe, there is such a imbrute doing in this age, I can` t even believe the decedent is just a "infidel". 我无法相信,如此粗鲁野蛮的刑罚竟然能在这个时代出现,更无法相信处死的只是一个政见不同的人。
Intentional killing of the decedent; (一)故意杀害被继承人的;
A Study on Maintenance to Children by Divorced Parents; The "children" referred to in this Law include legitimate children, illegitimate children and adopted children, as well as step-children that supported or were supported by the decedent. 论离婚父母对未成年子女的抚养问题本法所说的子女,包括婚生子女、婚生子女、子女和有扶养关系的继子女。
I didn't find a blade on the decedent. 死者身上没发现刀片。
The spouse of the decedent has the right to handle his or her inherited property and no interference is allowed. 死者的配偶有权支配他或她继承的财产,任何人不得干预。
In fact, after the accident, not only the passengers have claim on the carrier, but also other people on hoard, third parties on the surface and she decedent's near relatives do. 事实上,航空事故发生后,赔偿权利人除旅客外,还有机上其他人员、地面第三人以及受害人的近亲属等。
It has proved useless that he once tried to flee his responsibility to the decedent. 他曾试图逃避对死者应有的责任是徒劳的。
The "parents" referred to in this Law include natural parents and adoptive parents, as well as step-parents who supported or were supported by the decedent. 本法所说的父母,包括生父母、养父母和有扶养关系的继父母。
Decedent probably met her on the flight. 死者大概是在飞机上认识她的。
Funeral leave is granted for one to three days, depending on the closeness of the family relations between decedent and employee. 丧假一般要求是一到三天,二者要取决于你家庭成员关系的远近。
The content of arsenic in coal used by local residents was determined by HRICP-MS, and the detailed informations of decedent caused by coal-arsenic poisoning were investigated. 运用高分辨率等离子体质谱法(HRICP-MS)测定了贵州兴仁居民燃用煤中砷含量,并调查了煤砷中毒死者详细资料。
The successor who disclaims inheritance assumes no responsibility for the payment of taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law. 继承人放弃继承的,对被继承人依法应当缴纳的税款和债务可以不负偿还责任。
Decedent probably met her on the flight, possibly hours before he died. 也许在他死前他们在飞机上相遇。
Article 29 The partitioning of a decedent's estate shall be conducted in a way beneficial to the requirements of production and livelihood; it shall not diminish the usefulness of the estate. 第二十九条遗产分割应当有利于生产和生活需要,不损害遗产的效用。
At the time of distributing the estate, successors who had the ability and were in a position to maintain the decedent but failed to fulfil their duties shall be given no share or a smaller share of the estate. 有扶养能力和有扶养条件的继承人,不尽扶养义务的,分配遗产时,应当不分或者少分。
We found identification on the decedent in the chimney. 我们在烟囱内死者身上发现这个。
Article 24 Anyone who has in his possession the property of the decedent shall take good care of such property and no one is allowed to misappropriate it or contend for it. 第二十四条存有遗产的人,应当妥善保管遗产,任何人不得侵吞或者争抢。
Maybe through this method, the decedent can accompany with his families every day. 或许通过这种方式,死者可以每天陪伴在亲人身旁。
When the duties and responsibilities of the trustee end, its heritor or the manager of the decedent's property, the guardian or the liquidator shall keep the trust property appropriately and assist the new trustee to take over the trust affairs. 受托人职责终止时,其继承人或者遗产管理人、监护人、清算人应当妥善保管信托财产,协助新受托人接管信托事务。
So far, the decedent's prints are everywhere. 就目前来说,到处都是死者的指纹。
Conflict and Protection on Publication Right and Privacy Right of Decedent 死者发表权与隐私权的冲突与保护
This paper introduces the principle of the BP artificial neural network in the application of computer image compression, and gives a detailed description of the realization progress on it. The image compression is carried out by taking the nonlinear network and the deepest decedent method. 本文介绍了BP人工神经网络在计算机图像压缩中应用的原理,对其实现的过程进行了详细的阐述,并通过采用非线性网络和最速下降法实现了图像压缩。
When publication right of decedent will be performed, not only the public will, encouraging work to be spread, is considered, but also the individual, protecting author's legal rights and interests. 死者发表权的行使既要从公益出发、鼓励作品传播,又要以个性为落脚点保护作者合法权益。
Inheritance tax is levied on the basis of property left when the decedent was dead. 遗产税是以被继承人死亡时所遗留的财产为对象所征收的一种税。