This decentralisation gives the extremists latitude to develop their own reading and understanding of jihad. 这种非中央集权的特点让极端分子能够对圣战做自己的解读和理解。
Ministry of Public Service, Reform of the State and Decentralisation 公共服务、国家和分权管理改革部
Control of rent-seeking requires decentralisation of economic power. 抑制寻租行为,要求分散经济权力。
Arabs will have an easier time than ex-Soviets did in supporting privatisation and decentralisation. 眼下,阿拉伯世界会比前苏联更容易支持私有化和结束中央集权。
We believe in autonomy and decentralisation but centralise a few core values. 我们信奉自主与分散的经营模式,但保留核心部分集中管理。
Management scholars such as William ouchi, of the University of california, Los angeles, argued that decentralisation had saved American businesses; it could save schools too. 加州大学洛杉矶分校的威廉?大内等管理学学者认为,分散权力拯救了美国企业,那么也能够拯救美国学校。
Decentralisation is important, according to Prof Simon. 西蒙教授表示,权力分散很重要。
Greg Clark, the minister for cities and decentralisation, insists that the draft planning-policy framework is "thoroughly localist". 城市和分权化部长CregClark坚持说,这项草案是“彻头彻尾的地方主义”。
Yet these crackdowns have merely driven the informal financial system deeper underground, businesspeople say, while also encouraging the fragmentation and decentralisation of the business. 不过,商务人士称,这些打击行动只是让非正式金融系统变得更为隐秘而已,同时还推动了此项业务的细分和分散化。
FOR all its vaunted decentralisation, the internet is a top-down affair when it comes to security. 互联网自诩权力下放,可当涉及到安全时,它又是个自上而下的事情了。
As suggested in a recent European Central Bank paper, the EU should grasp this opportunity, embrace decentralisation and cut some slack for member countries equipped with home-grown definitions of budgetary discipline, provided these are coherent with common aims. 正如最近欧洲央行(ecb)的一份报告所言,只要与共同目标相符,欧盟应抓住这一机会,接受权力分散,宽待某些对预算纪律有着本国解释的成员国。
However, there is no decentralisation of pay administration, which is centrally managed by the civil service bureau. 不过,由公务员事务局中央处理的薪酬管理工作,仍没有下放。
Though there is no one template, four important themes emerge: decentralisation ( handing power back to schools); a focus on underachieving pupils; a choice of different sorts of schools; and high standards for teachers. 虽然没有成功模板,但有四个重要的因素值得考虑:分权(还权于学校);关注成绩落后的学生;增加不同类型学校的选择;提高师资水平。
In parallel with the decentralisation of pay described above, most of the countries we surveyed have also implemented major changes to their grading arrangements. 大部分上述国家在下放薪酬职能时,也对其职级安排进行了重大改革。
This "federal decentralisation", as he called it, is said to have taken only a month to set up, but its results were enduring and dramatic. 他所称的“联邦分权”,据说只用了一个月就上马了,但是效果却是持久而显著的。
Poland, like Ontario, illustrates the virtues of decentralisation. 和安大略一样,波兰也证明了分权的优点。
Put simply, decentralisation makes the Europeans good at adjusting well to each country, but leaves them with higher costs because they are slow to implement change across the company. 简单地说,分权管理让欧洲企业擅长充分适应各个国家,但由于它们在整个公司内部落实变化方面行动迟缓,其成本也更高。
Their opposition to our decentralisation plans ignores the wisdom of the ages, as well as concrete experience in other countries. 他们反对我们的放权计划不仅忽视了时代的智慧,也忽视了其他各国的实际经验。
The main concern expressed about grading reform and decentralisation has been the need to avoid major increases in costs as a result. 职级改革与职能下放最令人关注的问题,就是如何避免有关开支大幅增加。
The problems of the US system are all too apparent when compared with the classic British Westminster system: parliamentary, with first-past-the-post voting, no federalism or decentralisation, and no written constitution or judicial review. 与经典的英国威斯敏斯特政体相比,美国政治体制的问题尤其明显。英国采用的是简单多数票当选的议会制,没有联邦或分权制度,也没有成文宪法或司法复核。
Should consideration be given to introducing decentralisation of civil service pay administration for a city like Hong kong? 像香港这样的城市,应否考虑把管理公务员薪酬的工作下放?
Genuine empowerment and decentralisation are required. 企业需要真正的授权和去集权化。
Decentralisation of directly observed treatment in a large African city: evaluation of the experience of Djibouti 非洲大城市直接督导治疗的分散化管理:吉布提市的经验评价
First, the 'director responsibility system', a form of managerial decentralisation, was implemented in health institutions to increase their autonomies. 首先,通过实施院(所、站)长负责制,扩大了卫生机构的自主权。