Aid, however it is obtained, is demeaning to the recipients. 不管救助是如何取得的,对受益人来说都不是很光彩的事。
It was a demeaning and ultimately frustrating experience. 那是一次有失颜面并且令人沮丧至极的经历。
But critics of group interviews find them demeaning and say they add unnecessary stress and competition in an already-difficult job-hunting process. 但反对小组面试的批评者却认为这种方法有损人格,声称这种方式给本已困难重重的求职过程增加了不必要的额外压力和竞争。
Please don't "reach out to me directly" unless you can actually afford me; it is demeaning and absurd to think that the sound of your voice would somehow change my opinion on this matter. 如果你出不起这个价钱,请不要直接与我联系。想用你的声音来让我改变注意是很荒谬的,简直是对我的侮辱。
Managing director Roger French said:` A lady complained to us that she thought the language used by a driver was demeaning to her. 总经理罗杰·弗兰齐说:有位女士向我们投诉,她认为司机使用这样的语言对她是种侮辱。
Besides, the chore of gathering data for someone else can feel demeaning, even counterproductive. 除此之外,为其他人收集数据的杂活会让人觉得贬低身份,甚至起反作用。
He found it demeaning to work for his former employee. 他觉得为自己以前的雇员工作有失体面。
But some of Doyle's ideas seem demeaning and questionable. 但是,劳拉·多伊尔的某些观点看起来似乎有损自尊,很成问题。
This remains a waste of important resources and is frankly demeaning to older people. 这是对重要资源的浪费,而且是在公然贬低长者。
Acting in a play, on the other hand, was considered socially demeaning. 另一方面,演戏曾经在社会上被认为是丢脸的事。
Although the majority of lawyers prosecuted have been acquitted, the long, demeaning process of investigation is severe punishment. 社论说,虽然多数被起诉的律师最终被宣布无罪,但冗长侮辱性的调查已经是很严厉的惩罚了。
I will test you in ways that you will often consider unfair, demeaning, and illegal. 我将会用你们通常认为不公平,下贱的和不合法的方法考验。
But the writer, who bills herself in her biography as "a feminist and former shrew," says she nearly ruined her marriage to husband john, 44, by becoming a control freak, constantly nagging and demeaning him. 但是她在传记中说自己曾是“一个女权主义者,曾经是悍妇”,一个有控制欲的怪人。没完没了的唠叨找岔,贬低丈夫,几乎葬送她与44岁的丈夫约翰的婚姻。
To refrain from the use of abusive, demeaning or humiliating language and opinions in oral or written communication with attorneys, parties, and witnesses. 在与律师、当事人以及证人的口头或书面交流中避免辱骂性的、贬损性的或羞辱性的语言或意见。
Demeaning to me and my people? 无视我和我的人民?
A Sino-British Comparison of the Practicability and the Related Test Measures of the Witness Testimony in Criminal Lawsuits; To refrain from the use of abusive, demeaning or humiliating language and opinions in oral or written communication with attorneys, parties, and witnesses. 论中英两国刑事证人证言可采性标准及检测方法在与律师、当事人以及证人的口头或书面交流中避免辱骂性的、贬损性的或羞辱性的语言或意见。
What can managers do to maintain control but do so in a way that isn't demeaning to employees? 管理者应该做些什么才是既保证这种控制同时又不降低员工身份?
Like others who have worked with Mr Gates, Mr Allen depicts the long-time head of Microsoft as aggressively competitive and demanding of employees to the point of demeaning them, though his account of his personal dealings with Mr Gates raises fresh questions about business ethics. 和其他曾与盖茨共事的人一样,阿伦称微软的这位长期掌门人极其好争,对员工要求苛刻乃至有辱人格,不过他对自己与盖茨个人交往的叙述引发了有关商业道德的新疑问。
In order to escape that demeaning ridicule and reclaim my dignity, I decided to run for Vice President the USA. 为了逃避那些有损形象的嘲弄和维护自己的尊严,我决定竞选美国副总统。
The Foxconn structure is very autocratic and can be, I think to some people, somewhat demeaning. 富士康的结构非常专制,我认为对有些人甚至是有点有损人格的。
Refrain from demeaning self talk. Instead, remind yourself that you normally make very few mistakes. 不要认为自言自语会有损形象,时常提醒自己其实你犯的错已经很少了。
He is prepared to accept any remunerative chore, however demeaning. 不管多么低贱的杂活只要有报酬他都愿意干。
Remember, if he is not complimenting your efforts, is tending towards being abusive or is demeaning you, you can simply quit the job. 记住,如果他不赞赏你的努力,很容易变成辱骂或是贬低你,你应该爽快的辞职。
One of them even dared insulting me and I had to delete her comment because it was really disrespectful and demeaning. 其中一人甚至不敢侮辱我,我不得不删除她的说法,因为实在不尊重和贬低。
But executives at Oak Brook, Ill.-based McDonald's say the definition is demeaning to its workers and say they'll ask dictionary editors to amend the definition. 但总部位于伊利诺斯州OakBrook的麦当劳的管理人员称,这个定义是对麦当劳员工的贬低;并表示他们将要求词典的编辑对这一注释进行修改。
That advertisement is demeaning to women. 那份广告有损妇女身分。
For too long you have been ground into the dust, and used in so many ways that have been demeaning for souls such as you. 你们绑缚在尘土中已经太久,并且习惯于这许多的方式,这些一直贬低你们灵魂真实状态的方式。
We seek out situations, jobs, and people that affirm our intelligence, perceptions, and self-worth and avoid situations or people who are hurtful, harmful, or demeaning to us. 找寻能对我们的智力、观察力和自我价值予以肯定的环境、工作和人群,远离那些无益的环境和有害的人群。