Some developing countries have been demonised and marginalised by developed countries. 有的发展中国家被发达国家妖魔化、边缘化了。
Owing to misleading media reports and public misunderstanding of the medical profession, Chinese doctors have become progressively demonised. 由于媒体的报道误导和公众对医疗行业的误解,中国医生们逐渐变得妖魔化。
In South Korea and Japan they have often been demonised in the media as opportunists, vultures and tax dodgers. 在韩国和日本的媒体中,他们往往被丑化为机会主义者、贪婪的家伙和逃税者。
Feminists such as Betty Friedan have demonised domestic slavery and lambasted discrimination. 贝蒂?弗里丹这样的女权主义者妖魔化了“家务奴隶”并狠狠的鞭笞了性别歧视。
They saw national power as a tool to achieve their ends, something to be nurtured and built rather than demonised as something to be drowned in a bathtub. 他们将国家实力视为实现目的的工具,视为某种需要培育和创建的东西,而不是把它妖魔化,视其为某种需要溺死在浴缸里的东西。
When the economy is in turmoil, no one is demonised more than the speculator. 经济动荡之时,投机者是最经常被妖魔化的人。
First, British and French clerics demonised Russian Orthodoxy as a semi-pagan creed. 首先,英法两国教士将俄国东正教妖魔化为一种半异教信条。
The second chapter "demonised"," goddess "and" prostitute "three image as the research object, and humanistic perspective the new mass character. 第二章以妖女、女神和妓女三种形象作为研究对象,从人性化的角度切入,探讨人物形象的新质。