He demonstrated the all-round skills of a quarterback. 他展示了一个枢纽前卫非常全面的技术。
Several thousand people chanted and demonstrated outside the building. 好几千人在大楼外喊着口号示威。
Catherine demonstrated the proper way to cleanse the face. 凯瑟琳演示了洁面的正确方法。
Not everyone joined the counterculture, not everyone demonstrated, dropped out, took drugs, or dodged the draft. 不是所有人都加入反主流文化群体,不是所有人都示威游行,退学,吸毒,或逃避服兵役。
The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality 该研究还表明了肥胖症和死亡率之间存在直接的联系。
He's demonstrated how a campaign based on domestic issues can move votes. 他已证明了基于国内议题的竞选活动是可以拉到选票的。
Have they, for example, demonstrated a commitment to democracy? 例如,他们是否已表现出会致力于民主?
30,000 angry farmers demonstrated against possible cuts in subsidies 3万名愤怒的农场主示威抗议可能对农产品补贴进行的削减。
Thousands of people demonstrated outside the parliament building. 数千人在议会大楼前示威。
The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a new digital radio transmission system 英国广播公司刚刚成功地演示了一套新的数字无线电传输系统。
He demonstrated his mastery of political manoeuvring. 他表现出了高超的政治手段。
They mouthed the values of family, religion and charity, but demonstrated the opposite in their private lives. 他们大谈家庭、宗教和慈善的价值,但他们在个人生活中的表现却恰恰相反。
This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats. 在实验室用老鼠进行的实验证明了这一点。
He demonstrated his techniques for ringing birds. 他展示了给鸟儿环志的技术。
He has demonstrated a strong preference for being shod in running shoes. 他给人的感觉是特别偏爱穿跑步鞋。
Many parents wouldn't dream of buying the stuff for their daughters anyway, as a straw poll among my friends and acquaintances demonstrated. 就我对朋友和熟人所做的调查显示,很多父母无论如何都不会为他们的女儿购买这种东西。
This group aims to carry the torch for the millions who demonstrated and the thousands who died 这个团体旨在将游行示威的数百万人与死去的数千人的信念传承下去。
It demonstrated the brilliance of China's ancient culture. 它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。
He demonstrated his artistic talents by making a fair copy of the Mona lisa. 他那幅《蒙娜丽莎》的摹本表现出自己的艺术才能。
They demonstrated the new invention to us. 他们向我们演示了他们的新发明。
In front of the negotiation table, his impassioned speech demonstrated our points in a way neither servile nor overbearing. 在谈判桌前,他慷慨陈词,不卑不亢地表述了我方的观点。
It also introduced its related packages and demonstrated a simple JOLAP query and retrieval operation. 本文还介绍了它的相关包,并演示了一个简单的JOLAP查询和检索操作。
All of these steps are demonstrated in the sample program. 示例程序中演示了所有这些步骤。
Mandela demonstrated that action and ideas are not enough. 曼德拉表明了只有行动和理念还不够。
The researchers demonstrated this using DNA in a test tube. 研究人员在试管中演示了DNA编辑这一操作过程。
An association that is demonstrated in more than one human study and consistent among the studies. 相关性在多项人体研究中得到了证实且研究结果具有一致性。
Concrete examples demonstrated the validity and correctness of the models. 用实例验证了模型的有效性和正确性。
My final success demonstrated the correctness of my father's initial analysis. 我最后的成功证明了我父亲最初分析的正确性。
Our research and preclinical studies have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of such therapies. 我们的研究和临床研究都证明的安全性与有效性这样的治疗。
Recent research has demonstrated that contrary to previous ideas, intelligence can actually increase through study and learning. 最近的研究表明和从前的观点相反,智慧实际上是通过学习和研究而增加的。