The enemy were demoralized and collapsed at the first encounter. 敌军士气涣散,一触即溃。
The enemy is demoralized. 敌军士气颓丧。
The whole Union has been fragmented and demoralized. 整个联盟被分化瓦解了。
In the process of running from the front, he demoralized his competitors. 他从起跑开始就一路领先,挫伤了竞争对手的锐气。
The resulting conflicts in policy, and the continual changing of plans, soon demoralized the department. 决策上的冲突,计划的不断变更很快使部门士气受挫。
This inevitably leads to a frustrated, demoralized, and even paralyzed organization. 而这将不可避免地导致公司上下滋生沮丧情绪,士气低落,甚至陷入瘫痪。
My mother was slowly dying of cancer, and our household had become agrim and demoralized place. 当时我的母亲正在被癌症慢慢夺去生命,家里已变得愁云密布。
The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
The rejection can leave you demoralized. 拒绝会让你失去斗志。
Don't be demoralized when an employer turns you down. 当一位雇主拒绝你的时候,不要因此而消沉。
With the best known brand in the world, we have no reason to be demoralized. 相反,有这些世界上最著名的牌子在手,我们没道理自己打击自己的士气。
An inconsistent policy that demoralized the staff. 使工作人员泄气的前后不一致的政策。
Losing several matches in succession had completely demoralized the team. 连续几场比赛失利完全动摇了该队的信心。
His fatigue and weakness increased, so low had he been brought by loss of blood. The enemy troops were exhausted and demoralized. 他觉得越来越疲乏和软弱了,由于大量的流血,他已经虚弱不堪了。敌军疲劳不堪,士气低落。
Jealousy can also poison your career by distracting you from your job and forcing you into constant comparisons that leave you demoralized, she says. 她说妒忌心的害处还在于它会让你从工作中分心、迫使你进入不断地比较中,让你失去斗志。
Desperate demoralized people looking for work; felt discouraged by the magnitude of the problem; the disheartened instructor tried vainly to arouse their interest. 孤注一掷寻找工作的沮丧的人;因问题的巨大而感到沮丧;沮丧的教师徒劳地试图激起他们的兴趣。
In a generation, they have descended from proud working class to demoralized underclass. 仅仅经过一代人,他们便从自豪的工人阶级蜕化成道德败坏的社会底层分子。
Those who don't think they have the gift also become defensive and demoralized, and often opt out as well. 认为自己没有天赋的那些人,也变成防御,意志消沉,而且也经常选择退出。
It got demoralized them very much and possibly the Russian Winter saved the Russian people from being defeated right in the first year of the war. 它得到了非常多,他们士气低落,俄罗斯冬季可能免遭击败了战争的第一年,俄罗斯人民的权利。
Accommodation failed to placate the critics and may have demoralized supporters of a strong defense. 迁就没有能安抚批评者,而可能使强大防务的支持者灰心丧气。
Bad weather and many defeats demoralized the enemy. 坏天气和几次挫败使敌军士气低落。
This demoralized Janos so much that, while he continued to work on mathematical problems, he published no more. 这士气低落亚诺什这么多,虽然他继续工作的数学问题,他出版了没有更多的。
The source blames "arbitrarily high" standards that came as a reaction from "demoralized" SFDA staff. 他抱怨这一“武断的超高标准”来自于“不道德”的SFDA人员的对此事的回应。
The teachers, becoming demoralized, took to smoking opium. 教员们也颓丧起来,抽上了鸦片烟。
The enemy troops being exhausted and demoralized, our troops won a series of victories. 敌军疲惫不堪,士气低落,我军连战皆捷。
The defated army returned home as a demoralized rabble. 战败的军队回到家时成了一群士气沮丧的乌合之众。
Stupidity has left me demoralized. 愚昧使我道德败坏。
It demoralized many teachers to see cuts being made in key areas. 当看到伤口在关键地方时,很多老师都泄气了。
By the time the enemy discovered this fact and began advancing West again, our forces had already had a fortnight's rest, whereas the enemy forces, hungry, exhausted and demoralized, were no good for fighting and so decided to retreat. 及至敌发觉再向西进时,我已休息了半个月,敌则饥疲沮丧,无能为力,下决心退却了。