It might be a first step towards a new Europe in which businesses and other economic agents would have the opportunity and responsibility to decide in which currencies to denominate their transactions and hold their cash. 它可能是走向一个新欧洲的第一步。在这个新欧洲,企业和其他经济代理人将有机会、也有责任决定以何种货币结算自己的交易和持有现金。
With the tide of industrialization in Europe, cardboard consumption increase sharply, engineers denominate is nokia factory soon following. 随着工业化浪潮在欧洲兴起,纸板的消费量急剧增加,工程师定名为诺基亚的工厂不久便一炮打响。
I wove a very economic technology target, denominate is "of formula of" contented family name, can use at stock option market, go up in intellectual property problem excuse me, what right can I enjoy? 我编制了一个非常实用的技术指标,定名为“陶氏公式”,可以用于股票期货市场,请问在知识产权问题上,我可以享有哪些权利?
The ACU would not be the precursor to a euro-style currency but a new benchmark for the region to denominate exports and price cross-border bonds and other financial instruments. 亚洲货币单位将不会发展成一种欧元式货币,而是为该地区提供一个新的计价基准,用以标示出口金额,并为跨境债券以及其它金融工具交易定价。
It is thought that the lunar New Year formal denominate is the Spring Festival, after the revolution of1911. 据说,把农历新年正式定名为春节,是辛亥革命后的事。
Denominate of this film of short duration is "autobiography". 这部影片暂定名为《自传》。
So after that, I decided to use this word to denominate and start my band. 因此在那之后我决定用这个词命名乐队。
Roll out now grandly "lasting tower" commercialize version, denominate is "fastness Pan Long". 盛大今日推出《永恒之塔》的商业化版本,定名为《要塞盘龙》。
Denominate, Chinese Women and Chinese Culture 命名、中国女性与中国文化
We establish the denominate criterion, which makes the relic management and research work more scientific and exact; 制定玺印类文物的定名标准,使文物管理和研究工作趋于规范、科学、精确,以此带动其他类文物管理工作的改进和提高;
We denominate the disease as traumatic enthesopathy of the ischium. 我们命名本病为坐骨创伤附着病。
Directory is a database for optimize read operation, which is a tree like level structure and provide unify denominate, description, and orientation for various information resource in an organization. 目录是一种对读操作进行优化的数据库,它统一命名、描述、定位一个组织内的各种信息资源,通常采用树状层次结构。