On September 24, he wrote a stinging denunciation of his critics 9月24号,他写了一篇痛斥那些批评者的措词强烈的文章。
He has been scathing in his denunciation of corrupt and incompetent politicians. 他抨击起那些腐败无能的政客来一直都很尖刻犀利。
The denunciation was made on the basis of second-hand information. 这些指责是依据二手信息提出的。
Denunciation shall take effect one year from the date on which the Director General HAS received the notification. 退约于总干事收到通知之日起一年后发生效力。
There was also a joint denunciation from the two leaders of the government of Zimbabwe. 美英两国领导人还共同谴责了津巴布韦政府。
The public denunciation of Berlusconi that ensued wasn't the first time the usually private Lario openly complained about her husband's reported flirtations. 之后,一向隐秘低调的拉里奥就此事公开谴责贝卢斯科尼,这已经不是她第一次公开谴责丈夫的调情行为了。
But this was only the beginning of his denunciation. 但这只是他的谴责的开始。
Because of the title, I had thought The Ugly Chinaman was a sort of angry tirade, but it is not. It is a well argued denunciation of the ills of Chinese culture. 因为这个书名,我本以为这本《丑陋的中国人》是一种愤世嫉俗的激情演说,但实际上它是对中国文化弊病的极具说服力的谴责。
Denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the date of receipt by the Secretary-General of the notification of denunciation. 退出自秘书长收到退出通知之日起一年后生效。
The denunciation takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year after the notification is received by the depositary. 退约通知到达保管人二年后的第一个月的第一天开始生效。
Denunciation was becoming Mrs Thatcher's stock in trade. 痛骂成了撒切尔夫人的本钱。
This new denunciation will certainly not take place until after tomorrow; probably not until two or three days afterwards; more probably a week afterwards. 这次揭发肯定要在明天以后才进行,说不定要在两三天之后,更有可能到一周以后。
Many newspapers were outspoken in their denunciation of President Davis himself and the manner in which he prosecuted the war. 许多报纸在公开指责戴维斯总统本人和他进行这场战争的方式。
There are those who fear that criticism of the culture of private business could turn into a creeping denunciation of capitalism and its ethos of competition and economic freedom. 有些人担心,对私营企业之文化的批评可能会演变为一场指桑骂槐式的抨击,其矛头真正指向的是资本主义及其对竞争和经济自由的信仰。
His speech be a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy 他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥
It is no denunciation, it's a police annunciation. 这不是公开谴责,这是警方公告。
Her comments have been interpreted as a denunciation of government policy. 她的评论被认为是在痛斥政府的政策。
Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered. 此项退出应自登记之日起一年后发生效力。
In the event of one of the Contracting States wishing to denounce the present Convention, the denunciation shall be notified in writing to the Belgian Government. 如有缔约国欲退出本公约,应以书面通知比利时政府。
This Convention shall continue to be applicable to arbitral awards in respect of which recognition or enforcement proceedings have been instituted before the denunciation takes effect. 在退约生效前已进行承认或执行程序之仲裁裁决,应继续适用本公约。
For the attention of the it, profession with painful scold, the friend's vigilance. Denunciation was becoming Mrs Thatcher's stock in trade. 为之,行业的注意和痛骂,朋友的警觉。痛骂成了撒切尔夫人的本钱。
The denunciation shall take effect one year after the date on which the notification has been received by the Belgian Government. 此项退出通知在比利时政府收到该通知之日后一年生效。
Denunciation of the "manifold abuses of this vile custome". 对“各种形式的放纵这种恶习”发表谴责。
The denunciation of all those who had refused to play Chiang's game swelled to a mighty chorus. 这时,所有拒绝为蒋介石撑腰的人都受到诋毁,非难之声一浪高过一浪,汇成了喧嚣一时的大合唱。
Denunciation shall be effected by a written notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United nations. 公约之解除应以书面通知联合国秘书长。
Denunciation shall take effect three years after the end of the year in which it has been notified. 废除应于发出通知当年年底起三年后生效。
A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after its receipt by the Secretary-General. 退出应在秘书长收到退出文件一年后,或该文件中所载的较此为长的期限届满后生效。
In an unusually public denunciation, Chinese media quoted the Commission berating state companies for frittering away cash. 在一次不同寻常的公开谴责中,中国媒体引用国资委的话斥责国企浪费金钱。