ADJ-GRADED 破败的;弃置的;年久失修的 A place or building that is derelict is empty and in a bad state of repair because it has not been used or lived in for a long time.
Her body was found dumped in a derelict warehouse less than a mile from her home. 在距离她家不到一英里的一座废弃仓库里发现了她遭弃的尸体。
无家可归者;露宿街头者 A derelict is a person who has no home or job and who has to live on the streets.
Her body was found dumped in a derelict warehouse less than a mile from her home. 在距离她家不到一英里的一座废弃仓库里发现了她遭弃的尸体。
Much of the land needed is derelict but nevertheless marked as greenbelt. 很多亟需的土地都是荒地但却被标记为绿地。
After shouldering open an iron gate, he was amazed to discover a derelict wooden temple with a beautiful double-level main hall crafted by artisans in the Qing Dynasty& a rare architectural treasure. 在用肩膀顶开一道铁门之后,他惊奇地发现了一座废弃的木头建成的寺庙。庙里有一个清代工匠建成的双层大殿,美轮美奂,是一件稀有的建筑珍宝。
Bagan, Myanmar, Burma Temples, 1984The derelict splendor of thousand-year-old Bagan is backdrop for local farmers. 这座被遗弃的千年古城蒲甘的辉煌成了映衬当地农民的背景。
I asked Pete to be frank with me and he told me of his life as a derelict. 我要求皮特到法国和我一起,他告诉我他的生活就像流浪汉一样。
The already derelict garden grew increasingly unkempt. 已被遗弃的花园变得愈来愈荒芜杂乱了。
When I first came here, the whole riverside was a derelict wasteland of crumbling docks, warehouses and factories. 我刚到此地时,整个泰晤士河畔是块废弃地&拆得七零八落的码头、仓库以及工厂。
Because is responsible for the safe leader be derelict, caused in the mining accident many people to get killed, these leaderships therefore received the prosecution. 由于负责安全的领导玩忽职守,导致了矿难中许多人丧生,这些领导因而受到起诉。
A most vile and derelict boy you must be to know so much of knavery aboard a boat such as this. 一个最卑鄙的被遗弃的男孩,应该很清楚在这样一艘船上的流氓行为。
Never enter unstable underground tunnels or derelict buildings, and do not take anything from the sites. 不要随便进入不稳固的地道及断壁残垣及取走任何物件;
Most of the interesting murderers come from derelict farms. 大多数变态的杀人王都出自于废弃的农场。
In this paper, water and salt dynamics of saline soil of derelict land were researched in industrial pollution area. 本文研究了工业污染区盐渍化弃耕地的水盐动态,结果表明,除降水等因素外,植被状况对水盐动态也有明显影响。
Canals, derelict corners, the edges of parks the adventurous and intelligent forager will find everything required. 在运河边、废弃的旮旯处以及公园的边沿处只要有点冒险精神、再动动脑子,一切尽可信手拈来。
Derelict inner-city sites could be sold off cheaply for housing. 荒废的内城区可以廉价出售用来修建房屋。
But his qualifications for running a derelict country with a nuclear arsenal and one of the world's five biggest armies are seriously in doubt. 不过他够不够格运转一个拥有核武器和世界上五大部队之一的荒岛遗国,仍受到很大质疑。
On the shore children still play, and fishermen drop anchor nearby, but the hulks of derelict hotels stand vacant. 海滨,孩子们依然在玩,而渔民已经在附近抛下了锚,但是被抛弃的旅馆的废壳空空的矗立在那儿。
Last night I realized that I'd been both blind and derelict. 昨天晚上我才发现自己既失职又有眼不识泰山。
The two were among a party of MEPs and Christian Orthodox clergymen who had crossed into the north on a tour of derelict Orthodox Christian churches and cemeteries there. 两个人之间的欧洲议会议员和东正教神职人员党谁越过他进了北一废弃东正教教堂和墓地那里参观。
I smiled at his witty words. Yes, S city is just an imagined city, created from my opinions about those big, modern but spiritually derelict cities. 他的机智的话让我微笑:是的,S市的确是一个虚拟的城市,来源于我对所有的摩登但是冷漠的大城市的印象。
They'd organized a party in a derelict warehouse somewhere just outside london. 他们在伦敦郊外某个地方一座废弃仓库组织了一次聚会。
The derelict soldier shirked his duties. 这名疏忽的士兵推卸了他的责任。
Godfrey Parke: The only difference between a derelict and a man is a job. 一个玩忽职守的人和一个男人之间唯一的差别在于工作。
He has openedDetroit's nicest new restaurant, Slows Bar B Q, opposite a derelict railway station; 他经营着底特律最漂亮的新餐馆&慢调烤肉店,店门正对着火车站。
Derelict mines torpedoes bombs or other derelict weapons of war. 丢弃的水雷、鱼雷、炸弹或其他被遗弃的战争武器。
Homeless people squatting in a derelict house. 擅自居住在破败的空屋里的无家可归的人。
The derelict houses across the way. 对面那些遭废弃的房屋。
I'm detached and moving toward the derelict spacecraft. 我准备脱离并前往被遗弃的太空船。
Doors of derelict houses may be boarded and nailed up to prevent children from getting in. 无人居住的房子,可以用木板把门户钉起来,以防止小孩进入。
We were quickly driving on small, dirt tracks through rice fields to reach the site of the derelict dwelling that is to be replaced by a new home for Ding Amao and his mother, Chen Gengen. 我们在窄小肮脏的路上快速地驾驶着,穿过一处稻米田,我们到达一处被遗弃的房屋,这里将变成丁阿毛和他母亲陈艮艮的新家。
The derelict farm would be plowed one last time, then sown with disappearing and all but unknown prairie seeds, and left to be. 废弃的农场需要再耕一遍,然后撒上行将绝迹的和所有叫不上名字的草原种子,由它自由生长。