I would be remiss if I did not do something about it. 如果我对此不做点儿什么,就是不负责任。
And I'd be remiss in not pointing out MINI's dismal record of reliability. MINI的可靠性记录乏善可陈。如果不提及这点,那我就太不负责任了。
On-demand is also not in the scope of this discussion but again we would be remiss in not providing a brief connection between on-demand and SOA. On-demand也不在我们讨论的范围之内,但是如果在这里不简要地介绍一下On-demand和SOA之间的关系,那将是不负责任的。
One planned backend is supposed to be led by me& but I have been remiss in developing initial versions. 一个已经规划好的后端被期望由我来负责―但是在开发最初的版本时,我有点懈怠。
Lastly, we would be remiss if we did not illustrate a sample log file from a no-quorum situation. 最后,如果我们不展示一个非quorum情形的样例日志文件似乎有些说不过去。
Before closing, I would be remiss not to mention performance. 在结束之前,如果不提一下性能就是我的失职了。
Before leaving the discussion of architecture, I would be remiss if I didn't discuss the "architect" job title. 在停止讨论架构之前,如果我不讨论“架构师”这个职位,就是不负责任。
And yet I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated. 不过,如果不坦承你们这项厚爱有加的决定所引起的相当激烈的争议,那我就有失疏忽了。
The risk managers of banks would be remiss if they did not make contingency plans for such an eventuality. 银行的风控经理如果未就这一可能情形制定相应的应急计划,足以被认为是玩忽职守。
Of course, I'd be remiss to ignore what else was happening in the world. 当然,我马虎大意的忽视了当时世界上发生的其他事情。
I have never used them myself, nor been in projects that used them in earnest, so I cannot comment on their worth, but I would be remiss if I did not mention their existence. 我自己从来没有用过这些工具,也没有在项目中用过,所以我说不好其价值,但是我要是不提及其存在就是我的不对了。
Yet this country has been remiss in educating a sufficient number of men and women with the requisite linguistic skills. 可是国家却没有培养出足够数量的、具有必要外语能力的人才。
While on the subject of Agile Testing, we would be remiss not to mention the Agile Testing Days Conference that just took place in Berlin. 说到敏捷测试,我们不能不提到刚刚在柏林举办的AgileTestingDays会议。
If agency is remiss in obligation and causes damages, it should assume the burden of state compensation. 如怠于履行义务并造成损害后果,行政机关应当承担国家赔偿责任。
The normal kitchenware waste much time in cooking, and easy to burn the food, if there is high voltage setting or electro, it is very danger once be remiss of! 普通锅煮东西耗费时间长,还容易烧焦食物,如果有高压装置或者用电,疏于照管甚至还会出现险情,危及安全。
I'd be remiss if we don't detain him. 如果我们不拘押他,我就是玩忽职守。
It was remiss of me not to answer your letter. 没有给你回信,这是我的疏忽。
It would be remiss and premature to suggest that Vidic, at28, has peaked and is on the way down after what may amount to little more than a minor blip. 大部分人认为这不过是28岁的维迪奇的一些小失误,而不会认为他将会开始走下坡路。
Last but not least, it would be remiss not to mention Rockets assistant coach Tom Thibodeau. 最后,我们还必须说一下火箭队的助理教练希波杜,这一点也很重要。
The judge did not dispute the evidence but told the woman that her boss had done nothing remiss: on the contrary, he was simply being gallant. 法官并未对证据表示怀疑,但他告诉那位女子:她的老板并没有玩忽职守,相反,他只是在调情。
She felt that if I were completely remiss in religious conformity it would cast doubt upon the staunchness of her faith. 她认为如果我在遵奉宗教上完全疏忽大意的话,那会使别人对她那坚定不移的信仰产生怀疑。
It was remiss of him not to reply. 他一时疏忽忘记回信了。
It was remiss of me not to ask you. 没有问你是我的疏忽。
She had clearly been remiss in her duty. 她在工作中显然马马虎虎。
Of course, it would be remiss of us to not see you along the safest and quickest route to the port. 如果不能尽快把你安全的送到埠口,那又是我们的失职了。
And when you have that type of player, we certainly would have been remiss had we let Vince get away. 当手边有文斯这样一名球员时,放他溜走无疑是我们的失职。
With Uranus so prominent this month, I would be remiss if I didn't warn you that at times your finances will be volatile. 这个月天王星的影响是如此突出,此时你的财务是不稳定的,如果我没有提醒你这点的话会是我的过失。
Much of the media has been remiss, too: most mainstream outlets all but ignored the fact that a revolution was under way in finance during the first seven years of this decade. 很多媒体也没有负起责任,大部分主流媒体都忽略了这样一个事实:本世纪头七年,正在出现一场金融革命。
It is very careless of me, I should have returned the book earlier. remiss of you not to pay your Bill; 我太粗心大意了,本该老早把书还你的。你太粗心了没有付帐;
Nourish blood to tranquilize mind, appease neural system, remiss fatigue, improve sleeping and increase sleeping quality step by step. 养血安神、解烦助眠,对精神系统有安抚作用,缓解人体疲劳,逐步改善睡眠,提高睡眠质量。