Heaven, why did you give me a handle for despising you more by informing me of your descent! 老天啊,你为什么要告诉我你的身世,给我一个把柄,让我更加瞧不起你呢?
You wanted me, I know, to say Yes, that you might have the pleasure of despising my taste; but I always delight in overthrowing those kind of schemes, and cheating a person of their premeditated contempt. 当然,我知道你希望我回答一声是的那你就会蔑视我的低级趣味,好让你自己得意一番,只可惜我一向喜欢戳穿人家的诡计,作弄一下那些存心想要蔑视人的人。
She stood before me unperturbedly, there was the blandness and mercy in her expression of eyes, but absolutely no any sneer and despising. 她坦然地站在我面前,眼神里有掩饰不住的温柔与怜悯,但绝对没有一丝嘲笑和鄙薄。
Despising is an art, but discrimination shows the unwisdom. 鄙视是一种艺术,而歧视表现了无知。
The present problems were analysed: the higher scholarship inconsistent with actual ability despising clinical thinking and stressing utilitarianism. 分析目前存在的问题,高学历与实际能力不符、轻视临床思维分析、功利主义思想严重。
Along with that status comes a responsibility, that acted upon, in the end leaves the rest of the world end's up hating and despising you. 这种地位需要承担一定责任,到最后整个世界都会讨厌和鄙视你。
I couldn't stay without despising myself. 我留下来一定会鄙视自己。
Sharpened to make a slaughter, Polished to flash like lightning! 'Or shall we rejoice, the rod of My son despising every tree? 结21:10磨快为要行杀戮、擦亮为要像闪电.我们岂可快乐麽.罚我子的杖藐视各树。
The despising of manual labour, a vestige of the ideology of the exploiting classes, is an obstacle to the progress of our new society. 轻视体力劳动的剥削阶级思想的残余,是我们的新社会前进的障碍物。
Despising herself for being so ugly, my mother would leave herself alone. 因为丑,自惭形秽的母亲一向都是孤独和寂寞的。
David's sin was classified as despising the commandment of Yahweh and doing evil. 大卫的罪是明显的,他不顾耶和华的命令做恶事。
In modern China, the cognition of Japan in society experienced two stages from despising to learning. 在近代,中国社会对日本的认识经历了轻日和师日两个阶段。
The Book of Revelation seems to have a lot of loyalty for the people who are in the group, but there seems to be a lot of despising for pretty much anybody outside the group. 《启示录》似乎对这个团体内的人,非常忠实,但对团体外的任何人,都非常轻视。
Without formal training, they closely walked the way, despising the stadium, so that we admire greatly. One has to do more with both natural-gifts and formal, extensive academic training. 未经正规训练的他们相携走来,傲视赛场,让大家称羡不已。科学家必须更好地利用自己的天资和正规广泛的学术训练。
Confronting with the discussion on whether the new curriculum reform has the tendency of despising knowledge, some scholars try to use the cost theory to conceal the essence of this discussion. 如何看待知识在新课程中的地位成为当前学界讨论的热点问题,面对诸多对新课程改革有“轻视知识”倾向的讨论,有学者试图用代价论的观点来遮蔽这场讨论的实质。
And what is worse, without despising you. 而最糟糕的是,我也会鄙视你。
The long-term conventional idea of despising the fly of human being should really be renewed. 人类长期蔑视所有苍蝇的传统观念,实在需要更新。
Without it, to free every level of society from the self-perpetuating bondage that ties men into despising women and women into demonizing men will be extremely difficult. 若缺此一了悟,将极难把那让男人老是轻视女人而女人总将男人视为妖魔的自我延续捆绑,从社会的每个阶层解开。
Without formal training, they closely walked the way, despising the stadium, so that we admire greatly. 未经正规训练的他们相携走来,傲视赛场,让大家称羡不已。
And there are a lot of peculiar cultural phenomena in this culture, for example, attaching importance to "debt", but despising" heart", the strong collective consciousness and so on. 在这种文化里,存在着许多令人匪夷所思的文化现象,如:重“义理”轻“人情”,强烈的集团意识等。
He gave me a despising glance did not say anything more! 他不屑地瞟了我一眼,不再言语。
Excessively seeking ease and comfort but despising adventures, hardships and their challenge to Nature and to themselves. 过分追求娱乐过程中的舒适安逸,相对轻冒险、磨炼及对自然、自我的挑战;
You for You have the right or rich parents and despising? 你为有钱有权的父母而傲视吗?
Honoring responsibility, despising benefit, serve the society and clients, we are developing the newer, stronger and more beautiful industry with our wisdom and effort. 重责轻利地服务于社会,服务于客户,用我们的智慧和汗水重铸一个更新,更强,更美的商务。
Despising should be paid to the person who done bad thing, but discrimination should be never existed. 鄙视应该是投给干了坏事的人,而歧视本来就不应该存在。
Far from despising that woman, I greatly respect her. 我非但不轻视那妇人,相反很尊敬她。
We're in the habit of despising foreigners; the scorn we have for them is nothing to the scorn they have for us. Certainly the last thing an Englishman should despise is poetry. 我们有一种轻视外国人的习惯;其实我们对他们的轻视比他们对我们的轻视,真是微不足道的。一个英国人是决不会轻视诗歌的。
Like previous dynasties, the Qing rulers held the traditional value of despising the public servants and built a system to watch out for them. 这表明,清王朝不仅继承了以往多数朝代“轻吏”的价值观念和“防吏”的制度设置,而且相对走得更远。
Objective To understand the perception of despising and discriminatory attitudes of college students majoring in nursing toward patients with mental illness. 目的了解护理本科生对精神病患者受贬低、歧视的感知状况。
But I despising the man what not man. 但是我鄙视不是爷儿们的男人。