The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation 法国人认为不能以提高竞争力为由进行贬值,他们是有道理的。
Until now, a devaluation of the dollar seemed inconceivable. 直到现在,美元的贬值似乎都无法想象。
He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week's devaluation. 他将上周的货币贬值归咎于银行家所作的不当评论。
Some industrialists believe the government should grasp the nettle of devaluation before the referendum takes place. 一些实业家认为政府应该在全民公决前果断出手解决棘手的货币贬值问题。
Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite. 贬值只能让经济得到暂时的缓解。
France is also set against devaluation. 法国也坚决反对货币贬值。
Widespread currency devaluation never set off a global economic disaster. 大范围的货币贬值并没有掀起一场全球经济灾难。
If so, Greek default, exit and devaluation could be fairly close. 若果真如此,希腊违约、退出欧元区和货币贬值可能就为时不远了。
And competitive devaluation is anyway a zero sum game that does nothing to boost the global economy. 无论如何,竞争性贬值是一种零和游戏,对提振全球经济毫无贡献。
The International Monetary Fund said this week that complaints about competitive devaluation were overdone. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)日前表示,有关竞争性贬值的怨言有些过头了。
This left the door open for devaluation, and Argentina eventually walked through that door. 这样才打开了贬值的门户,阿根廷最终从这道门走了过去。
In1997, Thailand was in economic crisis with the devaluation of the Thai Baht. 1997年时,泰国经受到了经济危机,泰铢贬值。
Two other concepts related to the value of a currency are devaluation or revaluation. 另外两个涉及某种通货价值的概念是法定升值和法定贬值。
Ireland shows that competitiveness can be restored through internal devaluation and reforms. 爱尔兰的经历说明,通过内部贬值和改革,竞争力可以得到恢复。
How can this be financed without further devaluation? 如何能在美元不进一步贬值的情况下为这些债务融资?
Part of the reason performance has disappointed is that its fall in productivity growth has partly offset the devaluation. 英国出口表现令人失望的部分原因是,生产率增速下降,在一定程度上抵消了英镑贬值对出口的促进作用。
This will trigger a currency devaluation spiral that will hit Europe the most. 这将触发美元的螺旋贬值,而欧洲受到的打击将最严重。
Spain has achieved some internal devaluation, but France, Belgium and Holland have drifted into internal appreciation. 西班牙已实现了一定程度的内部贬值,但法国、比利时和荷兰却陷入了内部升值。
A devaluation causes the price of one currency to drop in relation to other currencies. 贬值,是使一种货币对别的货币的比值下跌。
The devaluation of the RMB also exacerbates the already severe U. 人民币贬值还加剧了已经很严重的美中贸易逆差。
This could not be done through an internal devaluation, where nominal wages and prices were reduced. 这不可能通过对内贬值来实现希腊的名义薪资和物价已然下调。
Sweden may also have benefited from not using the euro: a Krona devaluation last year helped exports. 未采用欧元可能也对瑞典有所帮助:去年瑞典克朗贬值促进了出口。
Share price plummet or plunge on the news of the devaluation. 一有贬值的消息,股票价格就暴跌了。
News of possible devaluation of the pound precipitated furious financial trading. 英镑可能会贬值的消息促成了疯狂的金融交易。
Combined debt and competitiveness problems are very hard to resolve without devaluation or inflation. 如果不通过贬值或通胀,很难解决纠缠在一起的债务和竞争力问题。
This loss of competitiveness can no longer be compensated for by currency devaluation. 如今这种竞争力的损失,已无法再通过货币贬值得到弥补。
No one would accuse the eurozone of competitive devaluation. 没有人会指责欧元区竞争性贬值。
Unemployment then drives down wages and prices, causing an "internal devaluation". 接着失业将推低薪资和物价,引发“内部贬值”。
However, labour market liberalisation and steep wage cuts are delivering the "internal devaluation" required. 然而,劳动力市场自由化和大幅削减薪资正促成该国所需的“内部贬值”。
We will refrain from competitive devaluation. 我们将避免竞争性货币贬值。