By making it impossible to reduce prices of computers, appliances or vacations on in the global marketplace by devaluing, nations would be forced to lift productivity, and moderate wages, as the only route to staying competitive. 如果不能再通过本币贬值,降低他们生产的电脑、家电或提供的度假服务在国际市场上的价格,这些国家就必须努力提高生产率,节制工资,这是保持竞争力的唯一途径。
And few deans, also law professors themselves, want to meddle with a proven earning machine or trigger alumni wrath by devaluing the professional degree. 他们本身也兼任法律教授,当中很少有人愿意干预一台成熟的盈利机器,或者不惜惹恼校友来让本校的专业学位贬值。
We recall that during the Asian financial crisis in1997-1998, China was quite a reassuring force for Asia by not devaluing the RMB. 在1997年、1998年亚洲金融风暴的时候,中国人民币汇率并没有放开,给亚洲地区吃了一颗定心丸。
Without the option of devaluing their currencies, uncompetitive economies are left with internal devaluation – otherwise known as wage cuts and mass unemployment. It is true that countries such as Greece badly need economic reforms. 对竞争力较弱的经济体来说,如果排除让本国货币贬值的选择,留给它们的就剩下内部贬值这一方案了,也就是减薪和大规模的裁员。诚然,诸如希腊这样的国家亟需进行经济改革。
The move upset photographers who saw it devaluing their work. 此举令摄影师感到沮丧,他们认为自己的工作遭到了贬低。
He did, however, make a movie that rues the dangers of ignoring and devaluing science and erudition. 不过,他的确拍了一部对忽视和贬低科学与学术知识的危害表示遗憾的影片。
But devaluing the renminbi puts even more pressure on the other transfer mechanisms. 但人民币贬值会对其他传导机制施加甚至更大的压力。
Crawford, who has a PhD in political thought from the University of Chicago, takes America to task for devaluing skilled manual labour. 拥有芝加哥大学(universityofchicago)政治哲学博士学位的克劳福德指责美国人贬低了技术手工劳动的价值。
Hence, major currencies may take turns devaluing. 因此,主要货币可能会轮番贬值。
The critical mother? Where were the abandoning, devaluing, or chaotic caregivers in her life? 这个案例里没有漠不关心的父亲、求全责备的母亲和其他放任自流、爱贬低人、杂乱无章的照料者,问题出在哪里?
Although I do wonder how much of the yuan strengthening against the dollar has to do with the Fed devaluing the dollar through the QEs. 我很好奇人民币兑美元升值与美联储通过量化宽松政策低估美元有多少关系。
In the modern context, that would mean devaluing the yen. 在当前的背景下,就意味着使日元贬值。
The shift led some analysts to conclude China was seeking to compensate for the global economic slowdown by devaluing. 这一变动使得一些分析师认为中国正寻求通考试大过人民币贬值来削弱全球经济放缓带来的影响。
Some financial analysts have warned that this could end up devaluing oil and mining companies 'assets worth billions of dollars. 一些金融分析师警告称,这可能导致石油和采矿公司价值数十亿美元的资产贬值。
Membership of the euro would prevent Italy from devaluing its currency whenever exports became uncompetitive, forcing the country to undertake reforms to boost productivity. 欧元成员国的身份,阻碍意大利在出口竞争乏力时贬值货币,从而迫使其着手改革,以提高生产力。
If Greece had its own currency, it could try to engineer such a recovery by devaluing that currency, increasing its export competitiveness. 如果希腊有自己的货币,则可以通过贬值、提高其出口竞争力的途径,设计如此经济复苏。
The euro was supposed to spur reform by preventing governments from restoring competitiveness by devaluing their currencies. 欧元曾被认为应该通过阻止政府通过货币贬值恢复竞争力,从而可以促进改革。
The prime minister himself has stressed the importance of reform, but that is partly to divert attention from what Abenomics is really all about: printing money and devaluing the yen. 虽然日本首相本人强调了改革的重要性,但在一定程度上,这是为了将外界注意力从安倍经济学的真正核心上移开,这个核心就是印钞和推动日元贬值。
If you don't ask this question, you will be devaluing yourself. 如果你不问这个问题,你们会贬值吗。
Devaluing the renminbi, while boosting exports and constraining imports, would cause the tradable goods sector to bid up wages, so that its growth would come largely at the expense of non-tradable goods, most importantly the service sector. 让人民币贬值,尽管会刺激出口、抑制进口,但将导致贸易商品部门提高工资,结果是该部门的增长基本是以牺牲非贸易商品部门最重要的是服务部门的增长为代价的。
The charges over who is devaluing their currencies to undercut national competitors have dominated headlines in recent weeks. 最近几周,对谁谁谁正在压低本币以削弱他国竞争对手的指控一直占据着新闻头条。
We're essentially devaluing the beauty of the lives we do have. 从本质上说,我们是在贬低我们实际拥有生活中的美。
If we do not make good use of it, is also seen as devaluing. 如果我们不好好利用它,同样是视为粪土的。
With other countries devaluing and gaining competitiveness at their expense, they adopted such policies to strengthen the balance of payments and fend off gold losses. 当其它国家对本币贬值并获得相对于它们的竞争优势时,这些国家实施此类政策以改善国际收支状况,并避免黄金的损失。
The comparison is of course imperfect: while Argentina recovered fast after devaluing and defaulting, it never abandoned its currency. 当然,这样比较并不十分妥当:阿根廷在实行货币贬值和债务违约后,经济迅速复苏,但阿根廷从未放弃本国货币。
If China were suffering from high unemployment, devaluing the currency, assuming that it does not increase trade tensions and invite retaliation, would boost GDP growth and lower unemployment. 倘若中国受困于高失业率,人民币贬值(假定不会加剧贸易紧张和招致报复)将刺激GDP增长,并降低失业率。
Devaluing the renminbi, in other words, might not increase growth so much as transfer growth from the capital intensive, service or government sectors to the tradable goods sector. 换言之,让人民币贬值,可能与其说是刺激增长,不如说是让增长从资本密集型、服务或政府部门转移到贸易商品部门。
Those with hard currency also instantly became relatively richer after the 2009 currency experiments, which had the effect of severely devaluing the North Korean won. 那些手握(实物)硬通货的人在2009年货币改革引发朝鲜圆大幅贬值时,更是富上加富。