Dealing with this dictator wasn't an option. He wouldn't have kept his side of the bargain. 别跟这个独裁者打交道,他不会信守诺言的。
They believe that the country needs a benevolent dictator. 他们认为国家需要一位仁爱的独裁者。
She was a dictator and a demon 她是一个独裁者,一个女魔头。
Their citizens are very thankful they are not governed by a dictator. 他们的公民十分庆幸没有受独裁者的统治。
The hated dictator had turned his country into one of the poorest police states in Europe 这个为人深恶痛绝的独裁者把他的国家变成了欧洲最贫穷的极权国家之一。
He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South. 他既独裁又好战,压迫侮辱南方人。
Down with the dictator! 打倒独裁者!
The Dictator preached war as a means of making the country great. 独裁者鼓吹战争是强国的一种手段。
Some people see him as a revolutionary hero, and by others as a cruel dictator. 一些人将卡斯特罗看作是一位革命英雄,另一些人则认为他是一个暴君。
This cover didn't coincide with the former Iraqi dictator's capture of execution of the former Iraqi dictator. 这次的封面和这位前总统被执行死刑并不是同时发生。
Defense officials in Seoul privately said the drill aimed to warn North Korea against any provocations, especially after dictator Kim Jong Un inspected a naval unit in the North earlier this week. 国防部官员在首尔私下里表示,这次演习的目的是警告朝鲜不要进行任何挑衅,特别是在朝鲜领导人金正恩(KimJongUn)本周早些时候视察了朝鲜海军的一支部队后。
Under the current dictator's father, Kim Jong Il, senior officials were killed or ousted as scapegoats for policy failure. 金正恩的父亲金正日(KimJongIl)当权时,每当政策失败,总会有高级官员因此背黑锅,被杀或罢免。
In Seoul, South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin told military commanders that North Korea might stage attacks against the South early next year to solidify support for current dictator Kim Jong Un. 韩国国防部长金宽镇(KimKwan-jin)在首尔对军方指挥官表示,朝鲜可能在明年初对韩国发起攻击,以巩固对现任领导人金正恩(KimJongUn)的忠诚。
You also must be willing to be a coach when it would be easier to be a dictator. 有时候,你还必须遏制发号施令的冲动,甘心做一个指导者。
But some note that the accusation made by North Korea that Mr. Jang had been building a plot to overthrow the dictator could backfire by undermining confidence in the leadership. 不过一些人指出,朝鲜指控张成泽密谋推翻金正恩,恰恰削弱了对金氏政权的信心。
The Iraqi government released the footage so as to prove the former dictator was indeed dead. 伊拉克政府公布了萨达姆的尸体画面是为了证实他的死亡真实性。
Our boss is a bit of a dictator. 我们的老板有点霸道。
A massive statue symbolizing the dictator's rule had fallen just two days before. 就在两天前,一座象征DC者统治的巨大雕像已经倒塌。
He can be a dictator in his own house if he wants to. 他可以在自己家里专横跋扈,要是他想这样的话。
Nature is a dictator and mankind is a mere spectator. 自然是主宰者而人类只是旁观者。
The dictator's third and youngest son, is thought to be the favoured candidate as successor. 他的第三个也是随年幼的儿子金正云被认为是最可能的继任者。
Saddam was found by American forces, hiding in a hole not far from where the former dictator was born. 萨达姆是被美军在距离他的出生地点不远的一个地洞里发现的。
A hereditary military dictator of Japan; the shoguns ruled Japan until the revolution of 1867-68. 一个世袭的日本军事统冶者;统冶日本直到1867-1868年明冶维新改革的日本幕府将军。
In this computer a mean program called Master Control behaves like a dictator. 在这台电脑中一个叫做总控的程序想一个批示官一样工作。
Humiliated, the dictator's son sought refuge in Macao until the furore blew over. 蒙羞的金正男到澳门寻求避难,直到风波平息。
Using Saddam's well-known rhetorical style, the voice urged the Iraqi people not to believe those who blamed the ousted dictator and his followers for Friday's attack on the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf. 磁带中的萨达姆用他所特带有修辞色彩的风格劝告人们不要相信那些造谣的人。人指责被驱逐的萨达姆及他的追随者制造了纳杰夫爆炸案。
However, a majority of analysts think North Korea's game plan is more complex, with the ailing dictator, Kim Jong-il, making a show of strength to safeguard the succession of one of his sons against rival claimants. 然而,多数分析人士认为,朝鲜的通盘计划更为复杂。威权领导人金正日患病在身,意在通过展示朝鲜的力量来保障自己其中一个儿子接班。
Mr Chang is also the brother-in-law of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il. 张成泽还是朝鲜领导人金正日(KimJong-il)的妹夫。