We will agree to disarming troops and leaving their weapons at military positions. 我们将同意解除军队的武装并把武器留在军事阵地。
Leonard approached with a disarming smile 伦纳德带着亲切的微笑走上去。
When you meet him, he is disarming as he talks about himself. 当你遇到他时,他谈论起自己时总是能让人放下戒心。
The image consists in equal measure of disarming humor, laser-like clarity, and brutal honesty. 这一形象中散发出亲切的幽默感、极端的直率、以及彻底的坦诚。
There are too many guns about, and the disarming of the police should be a natural aspect of the disarming of the entire citizenry. 社会上的枪太多了,解除警察的武装应该是解除全体公民武装的一个自然组成部分。
This is extremely effective and disarming. 这是极为有效、消解的方法。
He had even yielded to her wish for a long engagement, since she had found the one disarming answer to his plea for haste. 他甚至屈从了她延长订婚期的愿望,因为她找到了解除争端的办法,使他放弃了尽快结婚的要求。
In the first military coup in Central America since the end of the cold war, soldiers stormed the presidential palace in the capital Tegucigalpa, early in the morning, disarming the presidential guard, waking Mr. Zelaya and putting him on a plane to Costa Rica. 在冷战结束后中美洲的首次军事政变中,士兵们凌晨时解除总统警戒,冲入首都特古西加尔巴的总统府,将惊醒中的塞拉亚押上飞往哥斯达黎加的飞机。
On Syria, Mr. Kerry and Mr. Lavrov formulated diplomatic tracks aimed at disarming President Bashar al-Assad of his chemical-weapons arsenal and ending the civil war. 在叙利亚问题上,克里和拉夫罗夫制定了让叙利亚总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)交出化学武器储备并终结叙利亚内战的外交轨道。
The job of the inspectors is to verify that Iraq's regime is disarming. 这些核查人员的任务是核实伊拉克政权解除武装的情况。
Disarming wasn't an option? 拆除炸弹不是另一个选择?
Arming and disarming are performed separately for each area, yet the system uses only one communication line and monitoring fee. 报警和非报警分开工作,但是该系统可以只同一个连接线和相同的监控费用。
There was something so magnetic about the man and so disarming about his smile that I didn't care. 这个人有他特别吸引人的地方,笑客可掬,因此我也就不去计较了。
There was a deep, obsessive seriousness in him, underlined by a disarming stare, which, he hoped, would "yet reduce even the howling wolves to silence". 他执着于自己追求,并表现出一种深深的投入与着迷,而每当这种时候他就凝视前方,但却没有敌意,他希望通过这“甚至能让嚎哭的狼陷入沉寂之中”。
He displayed a disarming honesty by telling them about his father's bankruptcy. 他告诉他们父亲破产,表现出使人同情的真诚。
With the curious, disarming friendliness that he always managed to put in to the gesture he resettled his spectacles on his nose. 他整了一整鼻梁上的眼镜,这个姿态总使人有一种奇怪的亲切之感。
Tyrion turned to Young Griff and gave the lad his most disarming smile. 提利昂转向小格里夫对露出一个他能做出的最善意的微笑。
Young's breezy, disarming style proved central in the transition from white to black Detroit. 杨轻松愉快,和蔼可亲的风度在底特律从白到黑的转变中起了核心作用。
The Sudanese government recently said it was disarming rebels there, people who once fought with southern soldiers but now live north of the border. 苏丹政府最近称他们要解除当地叛军的武装。这些人以前曾经与南方士兵并肩作战,但是现在居住在边境以北。
He inquired into his visitors'problems with disarming frankness. 他以使人无法反驳的坦率态度探询他的来宾们的问题。
Instead of disarming Germans, we'd ally get them to fight the Bolsheviks. 不要解除德军武装,我们应该联合他们,打击布尔什维克。
His companion recovered quickly, however, turning to study him with those disarming storm-blue eyes that showed the warrior's emotions plainly but hid the sharp mind within. 他的同伴很快反应了过来,但没有马上回话,而是转过身来看了看他,那深邃的海蓝色双眼中流露出的痛苦神情,将他主人的睿智隐藏了起来。
The Spaniard's disarming humility and confidence has brought him some joy. 西班牙人没有防备心的性格和自信使他非常的舒心。
But if you are serious about disarming. 如果你真心想解除武装。
What she said about herself was quite disarming. 她所说的关于自己的话相当使人倾倒。
He talks candidly about his background and unusual career and converses in a disarming, stream-of-consciousness style. 他坦率地谈到了自己的出身和那不寻常的职业生涯,说起话来带着一种让人不由得放松下来的意识流风格。
They have sought their pretext in Commander-in-Chief Chu Teh's order for the surrender and disarming of the enemy and puppet troops. 他们找了朱德总司令命令敌伪投降缴械当作借口。
The security of the world requires disarming Saddam Hussein now. 为了世界的安全,现在必须解除萨达姆·侯赛因的武装。
This is m! We've cracked the code for disarming the warheads. 我是m,已经破解弹头的密码了。
Only when the disarming is done will far more generous aid be on offer. 只有当金正日被解除核武装后,他才能获得更多的慷慨援助。