The rebels seem to be trying to capitalize on the public's discontent with the government. 叛乱分子似乎想要利用公众对政府的不满情绪。
There are reports of widespread discontent in the capital. 有报道称首都弥漫着不满的情绪。
An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government. 今天发表的一项独立民意测验表明民众对政府的不满正与日俱增。
Any signs of discontent tend to be magnified and overanalyzed. 稍有不满便会被上纲上线。
Already there are murmurs of discontent. 已有一些不满的怨言。
For some time there have been murmurings of discontent over the government policy on inflation 一段时间以来,人们都在暗地里发着牢骚,表达对政府应对通货膨胀政策的不满。
The discontent has been fuelled by allegations of corruption in high places. 关于身居高位者腐败行为的指控更激起了人们的不满。
Graham attempted to quash rumours of growing discontent. 格雷厄姆试图平息有关不满情绪日益强烈的流言。
There were rumblings of discontent within the ranks. 士兵怨声载道。
They abused their power and bullied the people, thus arousing intense discontent among the masses. 他们仗势欺人,引起群众强烈的不满。
The news roused discontent and indignation of the workers. 这消息激起了工人们的怨愤。
Warlords fought one another and popular discontent ran high. 军阀混战,民怨沸腾。
I heard a mutter of discontent. 我听到有人小声咕哝着表示不满。
His words implied discontent. 他话里带有不满情绪。
Has anything happened to discontent you? 是否发生了什么事使你不满意?
There is a lot of discontent among the workers. 工人中不满情绪严重。
Co-operation on trade and investment is fraught with misunderstanding, offended egos, discontent and anger, he says. 他表示:贸易和投资合作充斥着误解、自尊受损、不满和愤怒。
There are signs of discontent with pay and conditions. 对于工资和工作环境有不满的迹象。
By the time he died, China was in severe debt and the Yuan Dynasty faced popular discontent. 到他去世时,我国是在严重的债务和元代面对人民的不满。
Moral decline has also led to discontent, escapism, selfishness and an increase in suicides. 道德沦丧还导致了不满、逃避现实、自私和自杀的增加。
He seems discontent with his job. 他似乎对自己的工作不满意。
Within everyone there was a latent volcano of unhappiness and discontent. 在每个人心中都有一个潜伏的不幸福与不满的火山。
That desire must be born of frustration, discontent, and yes, intolerance. 而且这一渴望定能在沮丧、不满中开花。对,没错,不能沉默了。
They there are concerns that the rising disparity between booming cityes and villages could trigger social discontent. 人们担心迅速发展的城市和乡村之间日益扩大的差距将会引发社会不满。
The wall created fear and discontent among the Germans. 柏林围墙的出现令德国人感到恐惧和不满。
Some rumblings of discontent about conflicts of interest have already surfaced in places such as Spain. 在西班牙等地,已经出现了对利益冲突的不满之声。
The discontent of the people gave rise to much trouble. 人们的不满引起了许多麻烦。
Discontent stirred him to quarrel with his boss. 不满情绪激发他和老板吵起来了。
I fancied the discontent of age and disease arose from his family disagreements; 我猜是对年龄的不满和家庭不合的不安;
But the "Foxconn effect" was not just a private sector response to discontent and despair among workers. 然而,“富士康效应”不仅仅是私人部门对打工者中普遍存在的不满与绝望情绪的回应。