It's very discouraging to be sneered at all the time. 成天受嘲讽是很令人泄气的。
I shouldn't have made those discouraging remarks. 我不该说那些泄气话。
There are reasons for discouraging change when adverse economic impact far outweighs the advantages of change. 这就是当不利的经济影响远远超过有利的变化的时候,阻碍变革的原因。
For years, the statistics related to failing projects and their related costs have been discouraging. 多年来,有关失败的项目和相关费用的统计数字一直令人失望。
When you fail its easy to point out everything you did wrong, but that is so discouraging. 当你失败时,很容易指出自己做错的事情,但是这样很让人沮丧。
It's a discouraging finding. But there's also some good news in this story: The brain can get confused in both directions. 这是一个让人沮丧的发现。不过,它也带来了好消息:大脑可能在两个相反的方向上都会搞糊涂。
It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging. 哈佛的生活令人振奋,也令人生畏,有时甚至会让人感到泄气,但永远充满了挑战性。
Discouraging transfers between lines were deliberately built-in. 线路间令人沮丧换乘故意被设置在内。
On the other hand, prohibition maintains high prices, discouraging heavy use and use by minors. 另一方面,禁令的好处是,它维持了大麻的高价,从而减少了大量使用大麻和未成年人使用大麻的现象。
This herculean task was ultimately completed, but with discouraging slowness. 这个极为艰巨的任务最终完成了,但是速度之慢令人沮丧。
It encourages a kind of intellectual prejudice that has brought with it some discouraging results. 这种看法鼓励对智力的偏见,而这种偏见已经带来了一些令人泄气的结果。
Doing so you are discouraging us from further development. 这样做只会影响作者在课程上的发展进度罢了。
If you travel to another country you don't know, getting lost can be very frustrating and discouraging. 如果你去一个陌生的国家旅行,迷路可能会让你很沮丧,很丧气。
Equally important, it distorts the economy by discouraging adequate investment in either the agricultural or productive sector. 同样重要的是,不论在农业还是生产部门中缺乏足够的投资歪曲了经济的发展。
It appears buoyant and to you perhaps discouraging. 还好像趋于上涨了,或许你很泄气。
Research for improvement of chestnut has been discouraging and encouraging. 栗树改良的研究工作曾令人失望又曾使人鼓舞。
Competition with others for standard outcomes can be discouraging for many children and therefore not helpful in their learning. 与其他人进行学业水平竞争会使许多孩子丧失信心,这对他们的学习没有益处。
Japan and southern Europe have clung to older ways, discouraging women from working and frowning on single-parent families; 日本和南欧依赖旧的方式,不鼓励妇女工作并且不欢迎单亲家庭;
What I have heard so far from Greek economists is deeply discouraging. 迄今为止,我从希腊经济学家那里听到的建议非常令人失望。
It was felt that each nation's self-interest was served by encouraging its exports and discouraging its imports. 一般认为,鼓励出口和限制进口是符合每个国家的自身利益的。
The response so far has been discouraging. 答复到目前为止是令人泄气的。
The signs from Washington, and from Beijing, are not all discouraging. 来自华盛顿和北京的迹象并非全都令人沮丧。
She claims that our prison system seems to create recidivists rather than discouraging criminals from reoffending. 她称我们的监狱制度似乎在创造惯犯而并非教导罪犯不再犯法。
Their attitude was very discouraging. 他们的态度非常令人沮丧。
We need to make sure our'honking'is encouraging, not discouraging. 我们要确保我们的话语是鼓励性的,而不是打击性的。
For now, even the most optimistic conservationists have to admit that the numbers are discouraging. 现在,即使是最乐观的自然资源保护论者也不得不承认,这些数据令人沮丧。
I know's it's discouraging to work on a project without visible results, but hang in there! 我知道,致力于一项看不见成果的项目是令人沮丧的,但要坚持下去。
Why are you always so discouraging about my chances of getting a job? 你为什么对我有否机会得到工作,老是这么爱泼冷水?
Your first batch of results may be discouraging, but never mind, they'll improve. 你的第一批结果可能令人泄气,可是别在意,会好转的。
That realization, instead of being discouraging, was liberating. 那个认识,代替了原先的气馁,将我完全的解放了。