He asked for immediate help from the United States to dismantle the warheads. 他请求美国立即提供援助,拆除这批弹头。
Public services of all kinds are being dismantled. 林林总总的公共设施正被逐渐废除。
We will dismantle terrorist networks that threaten our people. 我们将捣毁威胁我们的人民的恐怖主义网络。
Local rulers dismantle old state facilities to sell for parts. 当地统治者将旧的国有设施拆零贩卖。
If Moscow chooses this course, the west should begin to dismantle the sanctions. 如果莫斯科选择采取这样的行动,西方就应该开始取消制裁。
Radical changes are also being introduced in compensation, where old practices have proved hard to dismantle. 野村在薪酬方面也引入了根本性的变革措施,但事实证明,废除过去的做法难度很大。
I want to dismantle the wall too. 我还想拆了这堵墙。
To dismantle your identity or your fear. 卸下你的身份和恐惧。
To dismantle your ship to build this machine. 我需要拆除您的船来建造这个机器。
To dismantle parapet walls panels, experts again to confirm whether he made a commitment. 准备拆除护墙板前,专家再次要他确认是否下定了决心。
To dismantle in order to make repairs. 拆修为了修理而拆开拒不拆除的,责令拆除。
The low houses along the road sides were completely dismantle because of construction of the streets. 由于街道的扩建,道路两旁矮小的房屋全部被拆除了。
We should dismantle our inefficient tax system. 我们这个效益很差的税收制度应该废除。
Undertake an externally supervised overhaul of security and police forces that can dismantle terrorist groups. 在外界指导下,对安全部队和警察队伍进行彻底改革,使之能够执行消灭恐怖组织的任务。
Pump casing is horizontal split casing and it is unnecessary to dismantle motor and piping when maintenance. 泵壳为水平中开,检修时不需拆卸电机和管路。
The size of the hole enables people to penetrate hand through to dismantle or assemble a spark plug cap. 该孔洞的尺寸大小为:能让人手穿过它,去卸下或装上火花塞帽。
If you dismantle me of my gun then no one will listen anymore. 如果你拆掉了我的枪,那就没入会听我的了。
They are to dismantle and don't spread ours. 他们是拆不散我们的。
Through continued intelligence-sharing, we can disrupt terrorist plots and dismantle terrorist networks. 通过持续的情报共享,我们可以扰乱恐怖分子的阴谋和摧毁恐怖分子网络。
It is what we DO to dismantle those biases and prejudices that speaks to individual character. 这是我们做什麽,以摧毁这些偏见和成见,说说话,以个性化。
Nowadays, many bikes are the combination type that you can dismantle when not in use. 现在很多的自行车都是组合式的,不用时可以拆卸下来。
The plan for leaving the prison and how to dismantle your door. 逃出监狱的计划和如何拆开你的门。
There was no mention of Israel needing to halt, let alone dismantle, its settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank. 邮件中没有提及以色列需要停建(更别说拆除)耶路撒冷和西岸的定居点。
Opening a new window just must dismantle on the part of roof. 开一个新窗户就得拆除部分房顶。
Dismantle the pistols and throw them as well with the ammunition. 把手枪拆散了和弹药一起扔掉。
The estate carpenters were collected to dismantle the bed. 集领地的木匠们把那张床拆卸开了。
The vessel can lay pipes, can move, transport, install and dismantle offshore platform and upper structure. 这艘船是一艘新概念的铺管船,可以移动、运输、安装和拆卸海工平台和上层建筑。
I have to try and dismantle that bomb. 我必须试着拆掉炸弹。
All the furniture is easy to dismantle and transport. 所有家具都很容易拆卸和运输。
Use movable and dismantle ceiling distribute lighting plate in ceiling reasonable, ceiling and lighting plate use aluminum edge. 净化室专用活动和拆装型钢板天花,合理将无尘光管盘分布于天花,天花和光管盘使用铝型防尘密封设计。