Towns such as Mittelwihr and Bennwihr were virtually razed to the ground. 如米特维尔和本维尔这样的城镇基本上被夷为平地。
Just go and see what's keeping raze, will you? 去看看谁瑞兹怎么还没来,好么?
SS General Jurgen Stroop watches his troops raze Warsaw's ghetto. 党卫队将军杰尔根.斯特如普注视着被他的部下一位平地的华沙犹太人区。
To raze the building to the ground. 将大楼夷为平地。
I'll have raze see to it immediately. 我会让瑞兹立刻去看。
Where the hell is raze? 瑞兹他妈的到底在哪儿?
Excavators and cranes have started to raze buildings Wall-Supporting Method of Clough Soil Section in the Construction of Excavated Pile 挖土机和起重机开始夷平建筑(的工作)。浅谈坳沟土段挖孔桩施工的护壁方法
The conquerors tried to raze the very name of the peoples national hero from their memories. 征服者妄图把人民的民族英雄的名字从他们的记忆中抹去。