Analyzing the narrative structure, the paper revealed the spiritual dissimilation of the black people under the stress of the culture shock from the white. 文章从叙述结构上对该小说进行了分析,揭示了在白人文化冲击下黑人心灵的异化。
The positive value of social dissimilation is transient, local and non essential while its negative value must be long lasting, all covering and essential. 社会异化的正价值只能是暂时的、局部的、非根本的;而负价值必定是长远的、全局的、根本的。
Dissimilation and Regression of Teach er-student Relationship Reflected in Individualized Instruction 师生关系的异化与回归&个性化教学中的师生关系
Symbol fetishism is a kind of dissimilation in symbol world. 符号拜物教是符号世界的一种异化现象。
Cultural tracing and retrospecting of the nature of dissimilation of competitive sport 对竞技运动异化本质的文化溯源与反思
On the other hand, with the increase of examination scale and the extension of social influence, it brought about some drawbacks such as the dissimilation of its examination function. 另一方面,伴随这项考试规模和社会影响的扩大,也产生考试功能异化等弊端。
About dissimilation image of body and black badinage. 关于身体的异化想象和黑色的调侃。
On the Dissimilation of China's Trust Institution: Some Comments on Legal Structure of China's Present Trust Products 信托制度异化论&对我国现行信托产品法律结构之评判
But we should avoid the accountability system's dissimilation problem and definite concrete system arrangements. 但在问责制的建构中必须改变问责异化现象,分清问题,明确具体的制度安排。
I think you should avoid and their positive competition, take poor dissimilation competition route. 我想应该避开和他们正面竞争,走差异化竞争路线。
Naturalization, Dissimilation And Culture Reappearance& With The Transportation Center of Lushan Mountain North Gate As A Case 归化、异化与文化再现&以庐山北山园门换乘中心为例
Grasp the logic of the dissimilation theorys transmutation accurately and historically, and then we can grasp the essence of Marxian philosophy revolution. 准确并历史地把握异化理论嬗变的逻辑才能把握马克思哲学革命的实质。
So, the possibility and way of discarding realistic dissimilation is a lesson that is taken by social life, and it can not be established a theory issue outside the history. 所以,扬弃现实异化的可能性及途径是社会生活本身给出的课题,不是站在历史之外所能设定的理论问题。
What is assimilation, dissimilation and metathesis? 什么是同化、异化和换位?
The Lack of Reader's Emotion and the Forming of Tendency of Service's Dissimilation 读者情结的缺失与服务异化走向的形成
On the basis of analyzing and criticizing Hegel's labor attitude, he brought forward the dissimilation theory of physical labor and thereby, he realized the exceed to Hegel's attitude about labor. 在分析与批判黑格尔劳动观念的基础上,马克思提出异化劳动理论,从而实现了对黑格尔劳动观念的超越。
Abnormal administrative ethics is a dissimilation phenomenon of administrative power. 行政伦理失范,是行政权力的一种异化现象。
Human Capital, Social Capital and Cash Receipt of the Farm Households: An Empirical Study in Yangzhou City; Labor dissimilation theory of Marx and its improvement on historical thinking resources; 人力资本、社会资本与农户工资性收入来自扬州的实证马克思异化劳动思想及其对思想史资源的扬弃读《1844年经济学哲学手稿》
Trademarks Dissimilation and Modern Development of Restrictions on Trademarks Rights 商标的异化与商标权限制的现代发展
The first is the ancient form of integrity of human and nature, and the second is modern form of dissimilation of human and nature. 本文从古籍形态发展中所保持的功能与美感和谐统一方面探讨了现代图书设计中应体现的人文关怀。
Approach to the Dissimilation and Monitoring with Law of Administrative Discretion 试论行政自由裁量权异化及其法律监控
The run of the police right is a process to realize the run status of the police right, through the right and public right of execution by police, accompanying with the dissimilation process of police right. 警察权的运行,是通过警察执法的权利化和公权化,以实现警察权的运行化过程,与此伴随的还有警察权的权力异化过程。
This article reveals the mutual influence between the target language and its culture, and points out that dissimilation. 本文揭示了译语与译语文化的相互影响问题,指出译语的异化是两种语言、两种文化的对抗与对话。
Implications of western Marxist dissimilation of consumption theories 西方马克思主义消费异化理论的启示
Dissimilation of the Culture Survival Space for Miao Dress Adornment and its Countermeasures 贵州苗族服饰文化生存空间异化及对策之初探
At present, the rules of the Challenge System in our Criminal Procedure Law are general and fuzzy to a certain degree, and dissimilation also occurs in the practice. 目前我国刑事诉讼法中有关回避制度的规定存在一定的概括性和模糊性,实务中也出现异化现象。
Loss of Love and the Dissimilation of Human Nature in the Patriarchal System& On The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks 爱的缺失与父权制度下的人性异化&伊恩·班克斯《捕蜂器》解读
Historical Confucian Transition from Harmony to Dissimilation: On Alienation of "Li" Knowledge of Zhu Xi to Confucian Ethics and Its Consequences 儒家和谐到异化的历史性转向&论朱熹理学对儒学道德思想的异化及其后果
So I think going out, in addition to the advantages, you must have the advantage of poor dissimilation. 所以我觉得走出去,除了这个优势之外,你必须要和别人有差异化的优势。
The Dissimilation of PE Public Communication and Development of Modern PE 体育大众传播的异化与现代体育的发展