ADJ-GRADED 顽强的;坚持不懈的 If you describe someone's actions as dogged, you mean that they are determined to continue with something even if it becomes difficult or dangerous.
They have gained respect through sheer dogged determination. 他们完全是凭借顽强的毅力赢得了尊敬。
...his dogged insistence on their rights. 他对他们权利的坚决主张
But the agency is doggedly trying to restore its good name by putting really catchy quotes in its press releases, an effort that was much in evidence Thursday. 但是,他们并未放弃努力,而是为恢复名誉不遗余力,这点在其新闻稿的措辞中得到了集中体现,着实令人难忘。功夫不负有心人,上周四,他们的一切努力终于有了结果。
Find your passion, and pursue it doggedly. 找到你的激情,坚持不懈地追求它。
No matter how rough things got at home, Dad continued to doggedly drop his coins into the jar. 无论家里过的多么艰难,爸爸总是坚持把他的硬币投进坛子里。
Doggedly pursue your goals. 顽强地追逐自己的目标。
In the face of something marked down to 70% off, some shoppers resort to a form of magical thinking in which they doggedly conclude that a size 12 piece can be transformed into a size 2 in a Honey-I-Shrunk-The-Frock way. 面对一些打折幅度低至70%的商品,一些顾客一厢情愿地认为,一件12号的衣服可以神奇地缩小到2号。
But she has doggedly captured the awful intricacies that such a plan wrought, not only on the people who were uprooted but on the officials charged with handling them. 不过,她还是顽强地描述了这个计划造成的可怕的、复杂的影响&不仅是对那些被迫背井离乡的人,还包括对那些负责处理他们的官员。
I didn't want to spend 10 years pursuing the same dream so doggedly with my own ambition about myself. 我有自己的抱负,不想10年时间都在顽固地追逐同样的梦想。
You have the qualification to be a top investigator or researcher as you doggedly dig out the facts of whatever matter you are pursuing. 你有资格成为一流的调查者或研究员,这是因为无论在追寻什么事物,你都会不屈不挠地发掘出事情的真相。
But to work doggedly towards a single, defined objective is noble, whether or not the task is larded with extravagant claims about its potential impact. 但是朝着一个简单、确定的目标孜孜不倦地努力也是崇高的,不管这个目标的潜在影响有没有被人夸张地标榜过。
Of all the candidates, Mr McCain has staked out the clearest principles and stuck to them most doggedly. 所有候选人中,麦克凯恩先生已经清楚地表达了他的原则立场,而且顽强地坚守它们。
But I kept at it, doggedly and patiently, and finally I could skate. 但是我顽强而又耐心地坚持着,最后终于学会了溜冰。
Sometimes there would be a raking wind which beat the breath out of him; but he would lower his head, grit his teeth and forge doggedly ahead, like a large fish swimming against the current. 有时候起了狂风,把他打得出不来气,可是他低着头,咬着牙,向前钻,像一条浮着逆水的大鱼;
A shepherd's purse seed as long as the appropriate place to fall, it will doggedly rooting and germination. 一粒荠菜的种子只要落到适宜的地方,就会顽强地生根,发芽。
They have one principle-to please users-and they follow this doggedly. 他们有一条原则:取悦用户。他们固执地坚守这条原则。
She stood doggedly in checkout lines; she toiled like a dray-horse up the hill back home. 她顽强地支撑着排在付款的队里;她像拖载重物的老马艰难地爬上山回家。
They fought doggedly but fell short on flexible tactics. 他们打得很顽强,但灵活性较差。
He trudged doggedly on until he reached the flat. 他顽强地、步履艰难地走着,一直走回了公寓。
He crawled forward, when he was able to do so, doggedly. 他的力气稍有恢复便顽强地挣扎着爬向前去。
You have loved this princess doggedly for two years. 两年来你坚定地爱着这位公主。
Justine kept doggedly to her place at the rail until the wharf was a few hard lines and little pink pinheads in the distance. 贾斯丁一直站在扶栏旁,直到码头变成了远处淡淡的几条线和几个小粉红点。
Men something like Harlow, who, although dissatisfied with their condition, doggedly continued the hopeless, weary struggle against their fate. 象哈洛那种性格的人,虽然不满现状,但顽强地和他们的命运作无望而疲惫的斗争。
He sat down on a bench, unceremoniously, doggedly, like a man in trouble. 他在一张长凳上坐了下去,显得不拘礼仪,固执己见,象一个心烦意乱的人。
He ran doggedly around the far corner, arms pumping at his sides, and into the straightaway. 他锲而不舍地从最外圈的角落绕过来,手臂在他的两侧挥动着,跑入了直道。
A friend with a senior management job felt so braced after reading the study that she seized her diary and marked out more time to spend with her children when she would otherwise have been doggedly e-mailing. 一位高管朋友在读了上述研究后触动很大,以至于她抓起自己的日志,为陪伴孩子划出了更多的时间,这些时间原本她会用在勤奋的收发邮件上。
We'd be all right if it wasn't for the debts, said easton, doggedly. 要是没有这些债务,我们现在就不会这么糟,伊斯顿固执地说。
They failed, but they doggedly kept at it. 他们失败了,但他们顽强地坚持了下来。
Instead, most teenagers doggedly avoid the paths taken by their parents, not just out of rebelliousness, but because they have seen the costs. 恰恰相反,大多数孩子执意避免走与父母相同的道路,这不仅仅出于叛逆心理,也是因为他们看到了父母为之付出的代价。
"It is a woman whom I dislike very much", said the major doggedly. 市长固执地说到:我很讨厌这个女人。
If you stick to something doggedly, you're off to a bad start. 固执于某件事只会导致不良的开端。
Bloggers, in contrast, are more like obsessive-compulsives& persistently and doggedly pursuing single topics. 相比之下,博客(网志)作者更像是患有强迫症&不断顽强地追踪着同一个题材。