Taking a handful of these, she arranged them along the lines of the scarlet letter that decorated the maternal bosom, to which the burrs, as their nature was, tenaciously adhered. Hester did not pluck them off. 她摘了满满一把之后,便在缀在母亲胸前的红字周围,沿着笔画一一插满,这些带刺的牛蒡便牢牢地扎在上面了。海丝特并没有把它们取下。
We should not defend tenaciously the idea to the law or justice as the changing of the times. 结合时代的变化,不应固守对于法律乃至正义的观念。
The small river before him trickled on, patiently, tenaciously. the river was sliding darkly under the mist. 面前那道小河缓缓淌着,耐心又有韧性。河水在薄雾之下呈暗黑色向前流淌。
These investigators tenaciously argued the evolution of stars downward along the sequence ought to be accompanied by a continuous and very substantial loss of mass. 这些研究者就顽固地争辩说,恒星沿主星序向下的演化,应该伴随着连续的和很显著的质量损失。
However, there are some scholars who defend tenaciously clan model theory is only right. 但仍有一些学者固守氏族模式论是惟一正确的国家起源模式。
A small residue is retained tenaciously by the surface. 少量的残留物被表面牢固地保留着。
The wrong one would be to assume that with the death of Gaddafi all those supporters, whose reasons for so tenaciously defending Sirte are now clearer, will fall in line behind the new government in Tripoli. 但若是以为在卡扎菲死后,他的支持者现在我们知道他们为什么要坚守苏尔特了将从此归顺的黎波里新政府,那就错了。
Co-ordinated ship's allowance list It was apparently more tenaciously held to surface than fraction three. 船舶供应品分级配备明细表它比级分三更顽强地保持在表面上。
Knew oneself is not easy, to deny the oneself similar difficulty, the human is easiest to think oneself infallible tenaciously with saw. 认识自己并不容易,否定自己同样困难,人最容易自以为是和固执已见。
They take defend the base as the primary missions, but did not express that clings to tenaciously motionless in a position. 他们以防守基地为主要任务,但并不表示在一个位置死守不动。
Hold on tightly or tenaciously. 紧紧地或牢牢地抓住。
Though seriously ill, he still clings tenaciously to life. 他虽病得很重,但仍顽强地活下去。
Why he'd come to his own life so tenaciously, so savagely. 他的生命为什么如此顽强,狂野。
The Chinese people fought tenaciously to change their miserable destiny. 中国人民为改变这种悲惨命运,进行了顽强的抗争。
She has fought tenaciously to maintain her authority in the city. 她坚决斗争,维护她在城中的权威。
People tenaciously hold on to old beliefs. 人们常常顽固地坚守旧有的信仰。
Each Assistant tenaciously defends his turf. 每一个高级助理都极力维护他自己那一块地盘。
Water is held so tenaciously that most plant root systems cannot absorb it. 水被牢牢地吸住以至于不能被大多数植物根系吸收。
But those few have clung tenaciously to the customs of their forefathers, following their herds along migratory routes linking winter and summer pastures. 但这小部分一直坚持着他们祖先的风俗习惯,跟随他们的牧群往返于冬季牧场和夏季牧场的路上。
The intoxicating power of the girl's scent suddenly made it clear to him why he'd come to his own life so tenaciously, so savagely. 那女孩醉人的气息突然让他清醒地意识到他的生命为什么如此顽强,狂野。
In the end, wrenching themselves free from the hands of death, the expedition walked out of the desert tenaciously. 终于,探险队顽强地走出了沙漠,挣脱了死神之手。
However, underlying the mournful surface, he presented though his lense how these elders manage to live actively and tenaciously, let us follow him and have a taste of something real in life. 然而在苍凉的表层下,他却通过镜头凸现出这群长者乐观的生活态度和坚强的生命力。且跟着他,一同品味一种属于人生的味道。
These adjectives are compared as they mean tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield. 对这些形容词进行比较,它们都表示固执地不情愿屈服的意义或具有此种特征。
This plant can still grow tenaciously even in stone-filled poor land. 这种植物在石子充塞的瘠土里,仍能顽强生长。
On the other hand, the Bai national minority inherent thought and the cultural tradition still tenaciously displayed through this fusion process. The Dali area Bai national minority's political ethics thought still had own characteristic and the law of development. 另一方面,其固有的思想、文化传统仍通过这一融合过程而顽强地表现出来,大理地区白族的政治伦理思想仍有自己的特色和发展规律。
In different growth runs, the crystals tenaciously show the well developed { 001} pinacoid. 在不同次的生长中,所获得的晶体表现发育完好的{001}板面。
The novel has exposed one side adhering to past practices defending tenaciously the feudal ethics in his thoughts too. 同时,小说也暴露了林纾思想中固守封建伦理道德之守旧的一面。
In thousands of years, people carry forward our nationalities 'dance culture use their body and soul by themselves tenaciously. 数千年来,人民用身体和心灵自发、顽强地传承着中华民族的舞蹈文化。
His works often reveal compassion and helplessness; but as an idealist, he was passionate about the future from the past and tenaciously reflected his moral values and moral character, dig deep down people who are not devoid of good. 他的作品常常流露出悲天悯人与无可奈何;而作为一个理想主义者,他充满热情地从过去与未来中顽强体现他的道德价值和道德情操,开掘人的内心深处那些并未泯灭的美好。