"I make so many beginnings", he said dolefully. 我有过那么多新开端,他愁闷地说道。
But what about my letter? Asked simpton, dolefully. “我的信怎么办?”辛普森悲哀地说。
Must I go?'asked Catherine dolefully, bending over him. “我一定得走吗?”凯瑟琳忧愁地俯下身对着他问道。
"I guess I shouldn't have told you that, since now you'll be onto me if I pick up another Chinese part to try to fix it again," he says dolefully. “我想我不应该告诉你,因为现在如果我要再买一个中国零件来修,你就会知道了。”凯文一脸阴郁地说。
His mother looked at him dolefully when he told her he had joined the army. 当他告诉他的妈妈已经参了军时,他的妈妈伤心地看着他。