The crowd threw petrol bombs at the police, who responded by donning riot gear. 人群向警察扔汽油弹,警察则穿上了防暴衣。
Before donning them and stepping in front of the cameras, they had already had photos taken of themselves in baccalaureate gowns. 在拍摄民国学生照之前,她们已经拍下了学士服毕业照。
Many of us dream of wearing the beautiful costumes from period dramas like Downton Abbey* however few would go quite as far as donning them every day. 很多女孩都会梦想穿上年代剧《唐顿庄园》里那样精致的漂亮服装,但是应该很少有人做到在日常生活中每天穿着这样的衣服吧。
If you've bared your body on Broadway, donning a bra should be easy, right? 在百老汇舞台上光过膀子,穿个文胸又算得了神马?
Smog has been thick for the past few days in Beijing and many internet users expressed approval that the president was exposing himself to the same air as everyone else without donning a mask. 北京过去几天被厚重的雾霾笼罩着,很多网友对主席不戴口罩、和大家一样呼吸着相同空气的举动表示赞扬。
Reportedly, Jobs thought the ER actor did a fantastic job donning the turtleneck. 据说乔布斯认为演员穿上毛衣这块处理得棒极了。
'And take the Compleat Fortune-Teller to the outhouse,' Joan continued, rapidly wiping her hands, and donning the garments. 你把这本《算命大全》拿到屋外去,琼接着说,很快就把手擦干净了,穿上了衣服。
But each special room in Hong Kong also has an anteroom that is designed for the safe donning and removal of personal protection equipment, making them well-suited for coping with Ebola, Dr. Peiris said. 但裴伟士说,香港的每一个专用隔离室都还有一个前厅,用来安全地穿脱防护装备,因此非常适合应对埃博拉疫情。
Dazzling bride Liu Cheng made sure she would not be shown up on her big day by donning £ 200,000 of solid gold jewellery to walk down the aisle. 耀眼的新娘LiuCheng确定在她大喜的日子里她不会穿着£200000的纯金首饰走过通道。
VICTORIA JUSTICE Another way to look festive without donning a dress? 维多利亚•嘉丝蒂有不穿裙子也看起来有节日气氛的另一种方式吗?
While her daughter was pretty in pink, Katie opted for a more relaxed look donning a wide brim hat, a v-neck sweatshirt and faded boyfriend jeans. 虽然她的女儿穿着粉红色很漂亮,凯蒂选择了一种更休闲的装扮,戴着宽边的帽子,穿着一件v领衫和褪色的阔腿裤。
Lucas Leiva believes he can handle the pressure that goes with donning one of the most coveted shirts in Brazil. 卢卡斯·雷瓦自信可以顶住压力,身披巴西国家队中最让人垂涎的号码之一为国争光。
Donning the life jackets, the three crawled though the window. 穿上救生衣,三个人从窗户里爬了出来。
But it's reassuring to see even the most hard-nosed of Indian investment bankers and other businessmen donning the ritual sarongs and outfits of the Balinese to follow them in their prayers and ceremonies with palpable excitement. 然而,看到最精明的印度投资银行家和其他商界人士穿上巴厘岛传统的围裙和装束,跟随当地人带着无比兴奋之情祈祷和参加仪式,这也是一件让人快乐的事。
In the video, the flight crew members are shown dancing animatedly while donning yellow life vests and oxygen masks and blowing emergency whistles. 舞蹈演示包括穿上黄色救生衣、戴上氧气罩及吹响紧急哨子等。
Later, I realized I'd crossed through the complex to my car and the dumpster many times, and arranged my deck overlooking the parking lot, without ever donning shorts. 后来我发现我在我的车和垃圾箱之间走了好多趟,还收拾了俯瞰停车场的阳台,却连条短裤都没穿。
She dressed her tiny self carefully, donning a clean white camisole and her black Sunday frock. 她穿上了一件白色的内衣,又套了一件黑色的星期日礼服。
The attackers escaped and security was noticeably tighter on roads in other parts of Xinjiang yesterday, with officials at major roadblocks donning bullet-proof vests and helmets and new checkpoints set up in even the most remote villages. 袭击者逃脱,昨日新疆其它地区的道路安全措施明显加强。在主要路障处,警员身穿防弹背心,头戴钢盔。甚至在最偏远的乡村也设置了新检查站。
There is some suggestion mosquitoes are more attracted to darker colors, so donning a white shirt may help reduce bites. 也有一些建议,蚊子更容易被较深的颜色所吸引,所以穿白色衬衫可能有助于减少蚊子叮咬。
The ABC IPO is not the only thing that has the banking chiefs donning their aprons and oven gloves. 让银行高管们穿上围裙、戴上烤箱手套的,并不仅仅是农行ipo这一件事。
Since the financial crisis, every MBA student and their flatmate seems to have been donning a hoodie and entering a pitch contest to secure funding for their two-bit app concept. 自金融危机以来,每一个mba学生和他们的室友似乎都套着一件连帽衫参加创业大赛,试图为他们微不足道的应用构想赢得资金。
There is a huge possibility that this summer, he will make a giant leap by donning the shirt of one of European giants. 而这种可能性很可能在今年夏天就会成为很大的可能,他将身穿其中球队的球衣。
But she also toured the Henry Street Settlement on the Lower East Side and cuddled children with AIDS pointedly without donning gloves in the pediatric unit at Harlem Hospital Center. 不过她也参观了位于下东城的亨利街的居民区,并在没有带隔离手套的情况下,在哈莱姆医疗中心和患有艾滋病的孩子做了交谈。
Donning an electric pink dress, the49-year-old was charmed to be part of this year` s China` s Got Talent season finale on her first visit to China. 49岁的苏珊大妈此次是首次来华,她身着一袭粉红长裙,令全场观众眼前一亮,她本人也为参加今年《中国达人秀》总决赛而感到欣喜不已。
Her face has popped up on posters around Tehran, and protesters donning green wrist bands chant "We are Neda!" and" Sleep well, Neda, because we will get your vote back," according to the Daily Mail. 根据每日邮报报道,她的头像已经到处出现在德黑兰的海报,抗议者们穿上绿色腕带,高唱“我们是妮达”和“安息吧,妮达,因为我们会拿回你的选票”。
Putin last year made it into glossy magazines across the world by donning combat trousers and baring his muscular torso for photographers while on a fishing trip in the Yenisei river. 去年,普京身着迷彩裤,赤裸着上身在叶尼塞河钓鱼的照片登上世界各地很多时尚杂志,照片中普京完美的肌肉线条显露无遗。
A new type of single-spindle auto-doffing spinning frame was developed throughout the functional requirement analysis of doffing and donning. 通过对细纱机落纱、插管所需功能的分析与研究,开发了适用于光杆锭子单锭移动式新型细纱自动落纱机。
But the publicity-shy Mr Perlmutter attended the premiere incognito, donning a full disguise so convincing even his close friends failed to recognise him. 但不愿抛头露面的佩尔穆特化名出席了首映式,他乔装打扮,甚至连他的密友也认不出来。
We also look forward to shots of the cream of the fashion world donning plastic glasses at the end of this month and wonder if the shades will be Burberry branded. 我们同样期待本月末这场时装界看中的塑料眼镜流行趋势的发布,想看看这种风尚是否打上了帛柏丽的烙印。