The manufacturing economy remains on a downswing. 制造业持续衰退。
Cheaper commodity prices due to a perceived downswing in worldwide demand will help local businesses cut costs, allowing them to offer more of their products to the local population. 随着世界范围内的需求量下跌,商品将更加低廉,有助于当地企业削减成本,从而将更多商品用于供应本地市场。
While wealthy schools tin fee better in a downswing, they are too penetrated as undefendable apt prolonged market slumps because they run to money a greater part of their allowance from their talent. 虽然财政状况较好的大学在金融危机中不至于太难,但由于它们比其他学校更依赖捐赠基金,因此也会受到市场长期萧条的影响。
Yet the first quarter of this year saw the economy shift sharply back into a deflation that is worsening the current downswing. 但今年第一季度,中国经济中骤然出现通缩现象,使当前的经济下滑趋势雪上加霜。
When you attempt a swing using the Secret, key the downswing by pushing your right knee inward both to the left and toward the ball. 当你要尝试这个挥杆秘诀的时候,记住用右膝移向左侧及移向球位来规范你的下挥杆。
Since the downswing of the inventory cycle was unusually brutal, the inventory-led element of the upswing could be quite vigorous too. 鉴于此前库存周期导致的产出下降异常迅猛,那么库存主导的产出上升可能也会相当强劲。
They also reinforced the economic and stock market downswing once the bubble burst. 一旦泡沫破裂,它们也强化了经济和股市的下行趋势。
The shaft of a players club broke during his downswing. 一名球员球杆的杆身在下挥杆的时候折断了。
During the previous downswing the percentage of full-time MBA programmes reporting higher applications soared as tech stars switched to textbooks ( see chart). 上次全日制MBA增长率下降形势转向迅猛上升正是那些技术明星(译者注:指互联网高科技公司的创业者)去读教科书的时候(如图所示)。
Most important, there is something strikingly different about this downswing: China, India, and other rising economic powers are offering alternative poles of growth for the global economy. 最重要的是,对于此次衰退有一个明显的不同之处:中国、印度和其他上升的经济大国为全球经济提供了另外的增长极。
Not just a little bit thin, but that was better as far as the downswing of the club. 虽然打得有些薄了,但是下杆的路径好多了。
On the downswing, you start with your knee, then your shoulder. 下杆时,由膝盖启动下杆,然后是肩膀。
That's why his hips unwound so fast on the downswing. 这就是为什么下挥杆的时候根可以那么快速的外展他的髋关节。
On the downswing, Hogan's first movement was to push the knee inward to the left and toward the ball. 在下挥杆时,侯根的第一个动作就是向内向左推动右膝关节到球的位置。