The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule 起草委员会为按计划完成草案已通宵加班,但结果仍是徒劳。
The Drafting Committee will be in charge of working out a draft resolution to be submitted to the Conference for deliberation. 起草委员会将负责起草提交大会讨论的决议草案。
When this activity was revealed, international outrage led to the drafting and adoption of the Basel Convention. 当这项活动被披露时,国际的愤慨促使巴塞尔公约的起草和通过。
Our main responsibilities include: drafting the development plan of college international cooperation; 我们主要职责包括:起草全院国际合作工作的发展规划;
Drafting the company's basic management system. 拟订公司的基本管理制度。
Amico participated in "863" national research program, and the drafting of GB/ T19240-2003 national standards. 公司主要研究人员参加了GB/T19240-2003标准起草工作和国家“863”科研计划。
We have emphasized it repeatedly ever since we started drafting this resolution. 这是我们从决议起草工作开始的时候就反复强调的。
Besides the revised process must follow the principles, revised standard also provides a standard drafting principle. 除上述修订过程必须遵循的原则,修订规范还规定了标准起草的原则。
I am drafting a speech. 我在起草一篇演说稿。
In view of this, more and more countries including China, are drafting or amending their antidumping legislations. 因此,世界上越来越多的国家不断通过立法来加强和规范反倾销措施的使用,我国也不例外。
Implementing the development plan and drafting annual work plans, financial budget, rules and bylaw; 实施发展规划,拟订年度工作计划、财务预算和规章制度;
The standard drafting principles for practical syllabus incarnated the knowledge of practical education orientation and the system requirements. 提出的实践教学大纲制定原则体现了对实践教学定位的认识和体系的要求。
Although largely self-taught, Kevin has a strong background in architecture, drafting and design. 虽然主要自修,凯文有强的背景在建筑学,起草和设计。
Drafting, amending, reviewing contract and other legal documentations involved in operation and management of company; 起草、修改、审查企业经营管理过程中涉及的合同及相关文件;
They were all a part of the drafting. 他们都参与了公约的起草过程。
Computer-aided drafting and design system 计算机辅助制图和设计系统
In-class team essay drafting. Outline, with a complete first and last paragraph. 课堂小组起草论文,列提纲,完成第一和最后一段。
He's busy drafting the new contracts. 他正忙着起草新的合同。
He also participated in the research and drafting of China Telecommunication Law and China Anti-trust Law. 他还参加了中国《电信法》、《反垄断法》的调研与起草。
Its main function is drafting laws and policies governing such transfers. 它的主要职能是制订转让的法规和政策。
The Basic Law Drafting committee was composed of related personages and legal experts both from the hinterland and Hong Kong. 基本法起草委员会有内地和香港的有关人士和法律专家做组成。
The committee does not adequately consult others when drafting amendments. 委员会在起草修正案时没有充分征求他人的意见。
Committee on the Drafting of a Supplementary Convention on Slavery and Servitude 奴隶制和奴役问题补充公约起草委员会
Why did the culture deem the labour of carpenters and electricians inferior to drafting memos and policy papers? 为什么传统文化会认为木工和电工的劳动不如起草备忘录和政策文件有价值呢?
That's great, let's start drafting the contract. 太好了,那我们开始来拟订合约内容吧。
The drafting, examining, verifying and approving of beforehand cases are implemented in the form of workflow. 以工作流的方式实现了预案的编制、审核和审批。
Studying and drafting relevant competition policies; 研究拟订有关竞争政策;
I had a hand in drafting the contract. 我参与了合同的起草。
The government is currently drafting a competition law. 香港政府目前正在起草一部竞争法。
The QA is responsible for drafting, revising, reviewing, training, implementing and supervising this SOP. QA部负责本规程的起草、修订、审核、培训、实施和监督。