'I guess you guys don't mind if I smoke?' he drawled “伙计们,我想你们不介意我抽烟吧?”他拉长音调说。
He has a deep voice and he drawls slightly. 他嗓音低沉,说话略带拖腔。
This preconception was quickly dispelled: the two towns share that famous New England drawl for an accent, but little else. 不过这种错误的认知很快就烟消云散:这两个城市除了慢吞吞的新英格兰口音以外,没有太多相似之处。
When asked to recall the objects and which voice they preferred, the deep drawl came up trumps, in both memory and attractiveness. 当被要求回忆物品和被问到哪个嗓音更喜欢时,女士们的回答显示,不管是在帮助记忆还是在吸引力方面,慢吞吞的低沉嗓音都更胜一筹。
I think this idea is real interesting, says the director, in his southern drawl. 我认为这个创意非常吸引人,这位大导演用他那南方口音缓缓的说道。
Someone who speaks with a drawl. 慢慢吞吞地说话的人。
My father is a soft touch; soft light; a soft rain; a soft Southern drawl; soft brown eyes; a soft glance. 我爸爸是个心地柔软的人;柔和的灯光;柔和、拖拉的南方话;顺从、谄媚的眼神;温柔的一瞥。
And it tore me up every time I heard her drawl, Southern drawl. 一听到她拖着南方长音,我就会被撕扯。
She speaks with a Southern drawl. 她讲话带着美国南方人慢吞吞的拉长调子的语气。
His voice was oddly pleasant to the ear, the well-modulated voice of a gentleman, resonant and overlaid with the flat slow drawl of the Charlestonian. 他那声音,她听来觉得分外愉快,是一个上等人的节奏抑扬的调子,响亮而带有查尔斯顿人的平稳、和缓、悠长的韵味。
"Gentlemen," said Rhett butler, in a flat drawl that bespoke his Charleston birth, not moving from his position against the tree or taking his hands from his pockets," may I say a word?" “先生们,”瑞德巴特勒用一种查尔斯顿人的死板而慢悠悠的声调说,仍然靠大树站在那儿,两手照旧插在裤兜里,“让我说一句好吗?”
You can't mistake her voice, with its strong southern drawl. 她说话带很浓的南方拖腔,你不会弄错她的声音的。
He was complaining in his Montana cowboy's drawl. 他用蒙大拿州牛仔惯有的那种慢吞吞的语调在抱怨。
His voice still held a remnant of its wonted cool drawl but beneath the words she could feel violence fighting its way to the surface, violence as cruel as the crack of a whip. 他的声音仍然保持着一点像往常那样冷静而缓慢的调子,但是她能感觉到里面尽力压抑着的那股凶暴劲儿,那股像抽响的鞭子一样残忍的劲儿。
"Good morning," she cried, in her sweet, affected drawl," isn't it cold?" “早晨好,”她以悦耳的嗓音,故意拖腔带调地大声说道,“今天很冷,是吧?”
The West Country dialect smacks as much of the farmyard as the patois of the French peasant, or the even more deliberate drawl of the Texan cattleman. 英国西南部的方言就象法国农民的乡音一样浓厚,或者甚至像德克萨斯州牧民故意拖长腔调慢条斯理的说话方式。
He has a southern drawl and is as cool as Mr Jobs runs hot. 乔布斯急躁的时候,他却可以泰然处之。
His mother was speaking with a slight drawl. 他母亲说话的声音稍稍拖长一下。
"Why did you come out here tonight?" he asked with a lazy drawl, his hands still holding her waist loosely. “今晚,你为什么到这来?”他怠慢而慢吞吞地问,他的手一直松松地搂着她的腰。
"Good morning," she cried, in her sweet, affected drawl," Isn't it cold?" Numerical Simulation of the Cooling Air Distribution of the Bottom Cavity of the Regenerator in Cowper Hot Stove 早晨――好,她以悦耳的嗓音,故意拖腔带调地大声说道,今天很冷,是吧?考贝式热风炉蓄热室底部空腔冷风分布的数值模拟
He speaks with a languid drawl. 他慢吞吞拉着长调说话。
The tutors, sprawled on settees, drawl questions about whatever is keeping them awake. 导师们四仰八叉靠在沙发上,拖着长音问出各种让他们无法入眠的问题。