His figure is dwarfed by the huge red McDonald's sign 在巨大的红色麦当劳标志牌下,他显得很矮小。
You may feel dwarfed by the sheer scale of the place 看到此处气势如此恢宏,你可能会觉得自己很渺小。
She had short gray hair, a warm, weathered face and big round glasses that dwarfed dark eyes. 她梳着短短的灰发,有一张和蔼而饱经风霜的脸,圆圆的大眼镜遮住一双黑眼睛。
Whatever time saved is dwarfed by that loss. 不管节省了多少时间,都弥补不了这样的损失。
Nowadays, direct trade and payments across the exchanges are dwarfed by vastly greater capital flows. 当今,在庞大得多的资本流面前,跨汇率的直接交易和支付相形见绌。
The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。
Unlike China, its financial system is still small relative to the economy and its banks are dwarfed by many of their international peers, in spite of their vast potential market in India and overseas. 但与中国不同的是,相对于经济规模而言,印度金融体系的规模仍较小,同时印度的银行也与国际同行存在差距,尽管它们在国内和海外都有巨大的潜在市场。
When the housing market collapsed, Citigroup suffered billions of dollars in losses that dwarfed the fees it had collected. 当房地产市场崩盘时,花旗集团损失了数十亿美元,远远超过了它收取的那些前期费用。
A dwarfed evergreen conifer or shrub shaped to have flat-topped asymmetrical branches and grown in a container. 一种矮的常青针叶树或灌木,有平冠的不对称的枝,通常在一容器中生长。
He dwarfed all his rivals in every event of the competition. 他使所有他的对手在每一个竞争场合相形见绌。
On sheer size, subprime securities are dwarfed by other asset classes, such as equities. 从绝对规模上看,与股票等其它资产类别相比,次级抵押贷款证券的规模相形见绌。
Commodities have rebounded, but this is dwarfed by the rebound in commodity-based equities. 大宗商品价格反弹了,但其反弹幅度远远比不上大宗商品类股票。
Her presentation's graphics and in-depth analysis totally dwarfed the few pages I had prepared for the meeting. 她的演示里的图表和深度分析使我为这个会议准备的几页东西相形见绌。
Subsidies to green energy are dwarfed by those to the polluting stuff. 给予绿色能源的补贴,与对造成污染的行业的补贴相形见绌。
Five years ago the New York Stock Exchange dwarfed London and Hong Kong. 五年前,纽交所使得伦敦交易所和香港联合交易所相形见绌。
Large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a houseplant; source of Assam rubber. 亚洲热带一种高大的树,经常截矮成室内盆栽植物,;是阿萨姆邦橡胶的来源。
Beckham's arrival in the United States has attracted huge attention and already increased the profile of a sport which is dwarfed in popularity by American football, baseball, basketball and hockey. 贝克汉姆来到美国吸引了众多关注,此前足球运动在美国的橄榄球,垒球,篮球和曲棍球面前相形见绌,小贝的到来显然已经增加了这项运动的知名度。
The palace is dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers. 与周围的摩天大楼相比,这座宫殿显得比较矮小。
However, this loss was dwarfed by the pboc's net interest income. 不过在巨大的纯利息收入面前,这些损失也变得微不足道了。
He is dwarfed by the architecture of Vienna, clearly out of his league. 他是相形见绌维也纳的建筑,明确了他的联赛。
The house is dwarfed by the new office buildings. 与新办公楼相比这房子显得很矮小。
Malnutrition dwarfed the child. 营养不良阻碍了孩子的生长发育。
The old cathedral is dwarfed by the skyscrapers that surround it. 那栋古老的大教堂使环绕它的摩天大楼相形见绌。
The current Chinese military spending is dwarfed by what the US alone spends annually. 目前中国军费开销比起美国每年的开销真是相形见绌。
His airplanes and spaceships have dwarfed distance, placed time in chains, and carved highways through the stratosphere. 飞机和宇宙飞船缩短了时间和空间距离,在平流层高速航行。
Built low to the ground, the capital is becoming dwarfed by the condominiums around and outside it. 首都的建筑都很低矮,四周和外围的公寓楼日益凌驾其上。
Our little dinghy was dwarfed by the big yacht. 我们的小船跟大游艇一比显得很小。