In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism 1741年,叶卡捷琳娜大帝颁布法令,允许佛教的存在。
He issued an edict that none of his writings be destroyed. 他下令不得毁坏他的任何作品。
The poor are taking advantage of this edict to marry off their daughters without enormous expenditure while they can 穷人们利用这个法令,尽量不花费巨额开销就把女儿嫁出去。
Do you take everything he says as seriously as you would an imperial edict? 你把他的话当成圣旨啦?
An imperial edict was given for a general amnesty. 下诏大赦天下。
Now, however, the semi-independent status of the City is being challenged by an edict from central government. 但如今,伦敦金融城的半独立地位受到了中央政策新规的挑战。
Imperial edict: I wish all teachers in the world Happy Teacher's Day! 皇帝诏书:祝全天下的老师教师节快乐!
Reporters and editors across the country, some with staff about to board flights to the epicentre in Sichuan, debated whether to ignore the edict. 记者和编辑该国各地,一些与工作人员约登上航班,震央在四川,辩论是否忽略了法令。
Under no circumstances, ran the edict, would Liam be discussing Noel, his brother's departure from the band, the future of the band, or anything band-sensitive. 在任何情况下,运行法令,将要讨论的诺埃尔利亚姆,他的弟弟从乐队离开了乐队,或任何带未来的敏感。
One word from you would be better than an imperial edict; 有你的一句话,比圣旨还灵;
The edict also sweeps local government-level funds upwards into the central pot. 该法令还把地方政府一级的资金集中到中央一级的金库。
A decree or edict rendered at such a session. 审讯令这样一开庭的传令或命令。
Hundreds of Confucian scholars would not comply with the edict, and were buried alive. 数以百计的儒家学者,不符合法令,被活埋。
Previously heavily controlled economies such as China, Russia and India have embraced competitive marketsin lieu of bureaucratic edict. 之前管控严密的经济体如中国、俄罗斯和印度都已接纳竞争性市场,取代官僚法令。
After the old monks death, the fool monk got the imperial edict. 老和尚一死,傻和尚得了天书。
Most shops are ignoring the government's edict against Sunday trading. 大多数商店并不遵守政府禁止星期天营业的法令。
An imperial edict is a writ in the name of an emperor. 诏书是以皇帝名义发布指令的专用文书。
The Position and Function of Imperial Edict in the Intercourse between China and Ryukyu 诏书在中琉两国交往中的地位和作用
This secret imperial edict must be kept safely. You must not lose it. 这封密旨一定要妥善保管,千万不能丢失。
At that day, he read out the imperial abdication edict and ended the morning court early. 那天的段思英宣读完退位诏书之后,就早早的退朝了。
I told the factory inspector we would defy his edict. 我告诉工厂督察员,我们才不会把他的指令放在眼里呢。
If I were King, my name would be changed to "Your Majesty" and every word I said would be an "imperial edict". 我若为王,我的姓名就会改作:万岁,我的每一句话都成为:圣旨。
The Culture Ministry then issued an edict formally banning lip-synching and threatened to revoke the performance licenses of repeat offenders. 接著中国文化部发布一项官方命令,正式禁止对嘴假唱,并扬言将撤销累犯的表演证。
An imperial envoy often went on a tour of inspection carrying an imperial edict. 钦差大臣一般都带着敕书巡查地方。
The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners. 皇帝颁布了一项不得和外国人做生意的敕令。
Will you exercise the final edict? Spill his blood? 你会执行最后的指令吗?杀掉他?
In the edict, the dying emperor designated his second son to ascend to the throne. 皇帝在遗诏中指明要第二个儿子继位。