When the high school team lost the championship game, the coach was hung In effigy by the people. 中学队输了冠军赛后,人们吊起了教练的模拟像。
It was not a Napoleon; it was one of those perfectly new twenty-franc pieces of the Restoration, on whose effigy the little Prussian queue had replaced the laurel wreath. 那不是一个拿破仑,而是王朝复辟时期的那种全新的、值二十金法郎的硬币,在这种新币的面上,原来的桂冠已被一条普鲁士的小尾巴所替代了。
In South Korea, protesters recently burned Japanese flags and an effigy of Mr. Abe. 在韩国,抗议者近期焚烧了日本国旗和安倍晋三人偶。
Few protesters are burning senators in effigy, as they were a century ago, and a voluntary armistice between the two parties seems an even more remote prospect than that. 现在很少有反对者像几个世纪前那样点燃参议员的肖像以泄愤,同时两党间自愿的休战看起来暂时也是不大可能的。
I saw this dead, naked effigy of himself hanging from the ceiling. 我看到一个他自己的、死去的裸体雕像挂在天花板上。
The man who had broken off the head of the Black Dragon's effigy ( the god is worshipped in a human-looking form, as shown in the picture above) had his head blown off when a factory boiler exploded. 破坏黑龙王龙头(在上图中崇拜的神像被塑造成类似人的样子)的人在一次工厂锅炉爆炸被炸掉了脑袋。
The fire roared and crackled, and a great cheer went up as the flames began to lick the effigy of the Pope. 火焰熊熊,噼啪作响,当火舌开始吞没教皇的模拟像时,人群中爆发出一阵响亮的欢呼声。
The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob. 国王的模拟像被愤怒的民众烧掉以泄心中的愤恨。
Thus did mere businessmen enter the ranks of great leaders, warriors, philosophers and poets, achieving immortality in an effigy. 的确,很少有商人能进入伟大的领袖、战士、哲人和诗人之列,并在塑像中成就不朽的声名。
A wooden effigy of a Native American holding a cluster of cigars, formerly used as the emblem of a tobacconist. 印第安人木雕像:土著美洲人的木制肖像,拿着一簇雪茄,以前作为烟草商的标志。
Chicago bosses were hanged in effigy. 芝加哥大亨们的仿真像被绞死了。
Seldom does a day go by when I'm not burned in effigy. 每天都有人烧我的刍像。
While Star Wars characters are depicted in colour on the reverse of the new coins, a traditional effigy of the Queen by the sculptor Raphael Maklouf dominates the obverse. 星战角色的彩照将被印在钱币的背面,正面依然是雕塑家拉斐尔•马克鲁夫笔下的传统女王肖像。
The Lady Dowager's gift was a purse containing a small golden effigy of the God of Learning symbolizing literary talent and harmony. letter ( and sets there of), of base metal ( excl. printers 'and typewriter type) “贾母又与了一个荷包并一个金魁星,取”“文星和合”“之意.”字母(及其组合),贱金属制(不包括打印机和打字机的活字)
A very picturesque view of an old triumphal arch and the pine-tree-studded hill on the other side of the brook, was obtained from a hall in which stood a dust-covered effigy of an old school god. 从其中的一个厅里可以看到别致的牌楼和小溪对面松林点缀的五老峰,在这个厅里供奉着文昌帝君像,像上沾满了灰尘。
There the effigy stands, and stares from age to age across the changing ocean. 雕像依然耸立在那儿,千秋万载地凝视着那变幻无常的大海。
A coin with her effigy on it. 带有她雕像的一枚硬币。
Burn a person in effigy. 焚烧某人的肖像以泄恨。
( British) an effigy of Guy Fawkes that is burned on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes Day. (英国)盖伊·福克斯日在营火里焚烧的盖伊·福克斯的塑像。
The coin bears an effigy of Lincoln; the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone. 硬币上刻着林肯的肖像。
To the Greeks the plastic effigy commemorates a human being that lived; to the Egyptians it is a body that waits to be re-enlivened. 对于希腊人来说塑性小雕像可以哟过来纪念活着的人,对于埃及人来说它则是一个有待复生的躯体;