麋鹿,驼鹿(一些英国人以 elk 称亚洲和欧洲的亚种,以 moose 称北美亚种) An elk is a type of large deer. Elks have big, flat horns called antlers and are found in Northern Europe, Asia, and North America. Some British speakers use elk to refer to the European and Asian varieties of this animal, and moose to refer to the North American variety.
A drunken elk desperate for just one more mouthful of fermenting apples lost its balance in the attempt, leaving it stuck in an apple tree in western Sweden. 在瑞典西部一只醉了的麋鹿为了再吃一口已经发酵了的苹果,不幸失去了平衡,卡在了苹果树间。
The group tried to make the elk more comfortable but to no avail. 我们努力想让这只麋鹿舒服一些却徒劳无功。
Badge of maturity, 12-tined antlers crown a lordly bull elk in Yellowstone; 黄石国家公园里的公糜鹿,顶着它成熟的标志&富有贵族气质的12叉鹿角;
The park is also home to elk, bighorn sheep, grizzly bears, and other Rocky Mountain fauna. 黄石公园还是麋鹿、大角羊、灰熊和其他一些落基山脉动物生存的家园。
When the inebriated elk was freed, it lay for a while on the ground, seemingly unconscious. 当“醉鬼”获救后,它在地上躺了一会,昏迷不醒。
In this post, there are photos of two episodes of a wolf pack hunting for an elk, wildlife researcher shot it from a helicopter. 这是野生动物研究者在直升飞机上拍摄的照片,由两个情节构成,第一个驼鹿不怎么运气结局悲惨,第二只则和狼群形成了僵持的局面。
There are still close to10,000 elk wintering in Yellowstone and perhaps double that number summering in the park. 现在在黄石公园过冬的麋鹿还有将近1万只,夏季时数量可能加倍。
The building sits on a hillside overlooking the National Elk Refuge. 这座博物馆建在一座山坡上,站在这,你可以俯瞰国家麋鹿保护区。
But one need not invoke elk antlers to justify progressive taxation. 但要为实施累进税的合理性做辩护,没必要用上麋鹿角的例子。
By contrast with Yellowstone, elk numbers haven't changed much here. 与黄石公园相比,这里的麋鹿数量并没有太大变化。
"My father and I do a bow-hunting trip for elk just about every year," says Ron Jr. “父亲和我大概每年都来这里进行一次使用弓箭猎鹿的旅行,”小让说。
In the animal world, similar diseases occur in mink, mule deer, and elk. 在动物世界,类似的疾病在水貂、骡鹿和麋鹿中也发生过。
Except for such preserves, the mountains have offered the elk their safest habitat. 撇开这类禁猎区不说,山区为麋鹿提供了最安全的栖息场所。
They are also home to various wildlife, including bison, elk, coyotes, and prairie dogs. 它们也是各式野生动物的家乡,包括北美野牛、洲赤鹿、狼及草原土拨鼠。
The main complaints he hears these days are about wolves overrunning the place and wiping out elk and deer. 而如今他听到抱怨最多的,是该地区狼的泛滥,说是狼把鹿和麋鹿都吃光了。
And a young elk gave his life to me. 一头年轻小鹿栽在了我手上。
McDonald moved to Elk Grove four years ago, attracted by suburban life. 四年前,麦克唐纳被郊区的生活所吸引而搬到了鹿林市。
During a blinding snowstorm, they silently took down an elk a stone's throw from Eisenberg. 在一次令人眼花缭乱的大雪中,一群狼居然在离她一箭之地悄无声息地放倒了一只麋鹿。
To the north, ELK Mountain is another well-known landmark, about 100 miles distant. 在北边,埃尔克山脉是另一处著名的风光,大约有100英里远。
The same destiny happened to the elk species living along the coastline in the north and Yellow River Basin. 与它有着同样命运的,还有来自北方沿海和黄河流域两地的麋鹿种群。
New roods and communities restrict the migration of the elk. 新道路和社区的建立限制了麋鹿的迁徙。
Was very interested to watch an elk there. 对那里的麋鹿很感兴趣。
But wolves are still wolves, killing cattle and elk. 但狼毕竟是狼&它们会吃掉麋鹿,也会吃掉家畜。
With less competition from elk for grasses, bison may be doing better than ever. 另外随着麋鹿对草竞争的缓和,美洲野牛的日子也比以前任何时候都要好了。
However, humans and monsters in order to find elk kingdom, cruel and sustained to the natural world to launch an attack, killing many small animals also destroyed the natural balance. 然而人类和怪兽为了寻找到麋鹿王国,残忍而不间断的向自然界发动着进攻,杀害了许多小动物也破坏了大自然的平衡。
Would you know a eddr from an elk? 你分辨得出鹿和麋吗?
Shortly after killing the last Yellowstone wolves in1926, park officials were culling elk by the thousands. 1926年,即黄石公园最后一批狼被捕杀后不久,公园工作人员挑出杀死的麋鹿数以千计。
I heard the elk is a rare and valuable animal. 我听说这麋鹿可是一种珍稀动物。
Elk and deer are gone. 麋鹿没了,野鹿没了。
Breaking through snow to find food, this bull elk has added a white mask to his face and frosting to his antlers. 由于要钻入雪中寻找食物,这只公糜鹿脸上戴上了白色面具,鹿角上也结起了霜冻。