On another occasion I saw a group of disoriented, emaciated Amerindians, begging for food by the side of the road. 还有一次我看到了一群迷失了方向的印第安人,他们非常憔悴,站在路边乞讨食物。
By the time the prisoners were set free, they were terribly emaciated and could hardly walk. 囚犯被释放时,他们形销骨立,几乎无法行走。
We want models to project an image of beauty and health and shun a gaunt, emaciated look. 我们想让模特展现出美丽健康的形象,不要再出现憔悴、瘦弱的面孔。
To make thin or emaciated. 使变瘦或使瘦。
You are emaciated and ill-looking, you are near to death! 你消瘦羸弱,气色不好,死亡已经临近。
My father died of an accident resulted from drinking, leaving my emaciated mother and two younger brothers alone. 父亲因酗酒死于一场事故,撇下了我瘦弱的母亲和两个弟弟。
Your two hands are seizing that emaciated purple tulip tightly. 你用你的双手紧紧地抓住那朵瘦弱的紫色郁金香。
The animals had lost weight noticeably, becoming lean, almost emaciated. 那些动物体重明显下降,瘦多了,简直是憔悴不堪。
Rudolf hess, who had been the number three man before his flight to england, his face now emaciated, his deep-set eyes staring vacantly into space, feigning amnesia but leaving no doubt that he was a broken man; 鲁道夫赫斯在飞往英格兰以前曾经是第三号人物,如今面容憔悴,凹下去的眼睛失神地瞪着前方,他假装患了健忘症,但是一望而知是个垮了的人。
Men lust after her because she looks like a sexy woman, not an emaciated child. 男人们追捧她,因为她实在是太性感。
A long illness had emaciated the invalid. 长期卧床使病人瘦弱。
One might almost say emaciated. He pined and became melancholy. 简直可以说是很憔悴。
There were pictures of emaciated families on the cover of the magazine. 杂志封面上是面黄肌瘦的几家人的照片。
He looked now more careworn and emaciated than as we described him at the scene of hester's public ignominy; 他此时的样子,比起上次海丝特示众时我们所描绘的,还要疲惫和憔悴;
Her emaciated frame weighed just five stones. 她消瘦的身体只有五块石头那么重。
They fished in the big river, but somehow they were still very thin, emaciated, already old, some very crippled. 他们在大河里捕鱼,但是不知怎地他们依然非常瘦弱、憔悴、已然衰老,其中一些人有严重的残疾。
In stature she was tall, somewhat slender, and in her latter days, even emaciated. 她身材修长,有点娇弱,临死前,竟是形销骨立。
Cause you might forget which half-naked, emaciated woman you want for your cover. 因为也许你会忘了你想要哪个。半裸孱弱的女人作为封面人物。
Observers were shocked at Steve's emaciated appearance. 观察家们对其瘦弱的外表颇感震惊。
He was emaciated by long illness. 他由于长期生病而瘦弱。
He swaggered away happily with the proud smile of a champion, his shriveled head high and his emaciated chest out. 他昂起皱缩的脑袋,挺起消瘦的胸脯,脸上挂着冠军的那种得意微笑,欢欢喜喜,大摇大摆地走了。
And he struck his breast with his emaciated fist. 腾格拉尔说,他用他那瘦削的拳头捶着他的胸膛。
Sick devils also become emaciated, because the tumors interfere with eating, and many mothers lose their young. 同时,因为肿瘤会干扰到袋獾的进食,所以生病的袋獾通常会变得非常衰弱,这个时候,雌性的成年袋獾就很容易丧失它们的幼仔。
He was very emaciated after a long illness. 久病之后,他看上去憔悴不堪。
She was emaciated by long illness. 长期的疾病把她折磨得瘦骨伶仃。
A long time illness made him sallow and emaciated. 长期患病使他面黄肌瘦。
Emaciated kids begging milk from the callous governor. 向冷漠的总督乞讨牛奶的瘦弱的孩子们。
That was the medical ward on the fifth floor; my emaciated mother lay by the side of window. 那是五楼内科病房,我的瘦弱的母亲躺在窗前。
Back and forth I walk next to the barbed wire fence, trying to keep my emaciated body warm. 我不停地在倒刺铁丝围拦边来回走动着,想让自己瘦弱的身躯尽快暖和起来。
She was emaciated and on the verge of death. 当时的她如此憔悴并且徘徊在死亡的边缘。