ADJ-GRADED 令人害羞的;让人难堪的;令人尴尬的 Something that is embarrassing makes you feel shy or ashamed.
That was an embarrassing situation for me... 那种情形让我难堪。
Men find it embarrassing to be honest. 实话实说让男人觉得难为情。
ADJ-GRADED 惹麻烦的;使难堪的 Something that is embarrassing to a public figure such as a politician or an organization such as a political party causes problems for them.
He has put the Bonn government in an embarrassing position... 他将波恩政府置于窘地。
The speech was deeply embarrassing to Cabinet ministers. 这席话让内阁大臣们非常难堪。
An embarrassing blunder nearly blighted his career before it got off the ground. 一个令人难堪的疏忽几乎毁掉了他还没有起步的事业。
In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat. 内务大臣尴尬地作出让步,解除了将其驱逐出境的威胁。
The spectacle of the former naval officers washing their dirty linen in public was distinctly embarrassing 前海军官员们自揭伤疤的做法显然非常令人尴尬。
That was an embarrassing situation for me 那种情形让我难堪。
Men find it embarrassing to be honest. 实话实说让男人觉得难为情。
He has put the Bonn government in an embarrassing position 他将波恩政府置于窘地。
The speech was deeply embarrassing to Cabinet ministers. 这席话让内阁大臣们非常难堪。
A brief but embarrassing silence ensued. 紧接着是短暂却令人难堪的沉默。
He made an embarrassing gaffe at the convention last weekend. 他在上周末的会议上出了洋相,狼狈不堪。
The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you 弦外之音很明显:投票给我们,否则你会非常难堪。
His people came up with a load of embarrassing information 他的部下亮出一大堆令人尴尬的资料来。
Attempts to find civilian volunteers have met with embarrassing failure 寻找平民志愿者的种种尝试都遭遇了令人难堪的失败。
I had one of my most embarrassing moments in panto in Nottingham. 在诺丁汉我经历了自己在童话剧演出中最尴尬的时刻之一。
'It's rather embarrassing,' he began, and paused “非常令人难堪,”他开口道,然后停顿了一下。
He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy 他觉得这本书的出版侵犯了他的私生活,让他十分难堪。
Today's council sessions have been carefully stage-managed to avoid embarrassing disclosures or signs of internal dissent. 今天的理事会会议已经过精心安排,以避免爆出令人难堪的讯息或显示出内部不和的迹象。
She could threaten to play her trump card, an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures. 她可能会威胁要拿出她的杀手锏:出自传来爆料糗事。
It was embarrassing and sad to see this man reduced to a mumbling wreck. 看见这个人变得口齿不清、弱不禁风,真是让人既难堪又悲哀。
Embarrassing questions cause discomfort. 尴尬的问题会使人感到不安。
It is embarrassing to have someone looking over your shoulder while you're at work, as though you could not be trusted. 你工作时有人严密监视着,好像你不可靠似的,这真叫人难堪。
To accept ( these sumptuous gifts) embarrasses me, but to refuse them would be unmannerly.; To decline would be disrespectful but to accept is embarrassing. 却之不恭,受之有愧。
He tried to evade the embarrassing question. 他企图回避这令人难堪的问题。
It was an embarrassing situation, but they carried it off well. 这是一个尴尬的局面,但是他们成功地应付过去了。
It's rather embarrassing; I don't know how to bring it up. 这事有点碍口,不好说。
What a disgrace! or how embarrassing! 真丢人!
Accepting is not feasible, yet refusing is embarrassing. 答应吧,办不到;不答应吧,又有点难为情。
It can be very embarrassing to have to listen to someone patting you on the back in public. 不得已而需要在大庭广众之下听人赞扬自己会使你很窘。
He's just being difficult and it's so embarrassing! 他这样无理取闹,成何体统!
Perhaps cruelty is a less embarrassing claim than some of the true reason. 残暴也许是一个比某些真实原因较少尴尬的说法。
It would be embarrassing to find myself ten francs short and be obliged to borrow from my guest. 要是我差十法郎,不得不向客人借的话,那就太丢脸了。