He considered emigrating, but his family managed to dissuade him. 他考虑过移民,但他家人劝阻了他。
Emigrating is no picnic. 移民不是件轻松的事。
In the present difficult conditions, many people are emigrating from britain. 在目前的困难时期,很多人正离开英国,移居国外。
Many British doctors are emigrating to the United states. 许多英国医生移居美国。
European families emigrating from their homelands in the aftermath of World War II were encouraged to immigrate to Australia. 二战后一段时期,从故土移居来的许多欧洲家族被鼓舞移入澳洲定居。
It is quite common these days that a large group of Chinese people are constantly emigrating. 大量的中国人不断移民海外这件事在今天非常普遍。
Many people are emigrating from the country. 很多人离开了自己的国家,移居国外。
Emigrating to America is more difficult now. 现在移居美国困难多了。
Young, educated Singaporeans are emigrating to seek better-paying jobs or more freedom from restrictive rules at home. 受过教育的新加坡年轻人纷纷移民出国,寻求薪酬更好的工作或是更大的自由,免受本国限制性规定的束缚。
I was deterred from emigrating by the thought of leaving my family. 我舍不得离开家,所以决定不移居国外了。
And you? Where are you emigrating to? 又移民?喂,你有没有移民?
I'm thinking about emigrating to Canada. 我正考虑移民到加拿大赴。
The young folk were emigrating en masse. 年轻人大批移居国外。
We're thinking of emigrating to new zealand. 我们正考虑移民到新西兰。
You're emigrating or something? 你是要移民还是怎么的?
I mean, we're not emigrating. 我是说,我们又不是移民。
It could frighten more of the educated and mobile Israeli middle class into emigrating. 它可以胁迫更多受过教育的以色列流动性中产阶级移居他国。
European families emigrating from their homelands were encouraged to immigrate into Australia after World War II. 二战以后欧洲移出原籍的家庭被鼓励移居澳大利亚。
It is reported that more and more people of talent are emigrating to foreign countries. 有报道称,有越来越多的人才移居国外。
He's playing with the idea of emigrating to Canada. 他目前不太重视移民到加拿大的想法。
China's emigrating laborers to the South Africa was a new milepost in Chinese modern history of laborers going abroad. 中国向南非的劳务输出是中国近代华工出国史上一个新的里程碑。
There were letters to the American embassy inquiring about Johnny emigrating to the United States if he were married to an American citizen. 它们是写给美国大使馆的信,咨询如果约翰尼和一个美国公民结婚,移民美国的事。
The main reasons for emigrating were the opportunity for new experiences, better career opportunities and better living standards. 他们前往海外就业的主要理由包括获得新经验的机会、更好的职业发展机会和更高的生活水平等。
He had spent a number of years learning the trade in New York after emigrating there from his native Germany. 从祖国德国移民到美国后,他已经在纽约学习了多年的生意经。
All of this looks fine, until you admit that energy intensive industries have been emigrating elsewhere. 这一切看上去真不错前提是你不承认能源密集型行业一直在迁往别处。
I was intrigued to hear you're emigrating. 我听说你在办移民,很感兴趣。
But the new found wealth has also led to a startling increase in the number of Chinese nationals emigrating to other countries. 但是新创造的财富也导致了移民到其它国家的中国公民人数的惊人增加。
If you were a sociologist you might want to ask what does it mean for a substantial part of your country to be emigrating, he says. 假如你是一名社会学家,你可能想问,一个国家的相当大一部分人在移居海外,这意味着什么,他说。