People strong in the Loving working style are sensitive and empathic. 拥有热爱型工作方式的人敏感并具有同情心。
We usually speak to our closest pal or our dearest family member during times of distress to ease the burden. At such times we get over the initial drizzle of emotional anxiety and mental restlessness, because of the pepping up by our empathic listener. 通常我们沮丧的时候,我们会将给我们最好的朋友或家人听,以减轻我们的压力。在那时候,我们克服了情绪的不安和焦虑,因为有了为我们打气的听众。
At such times we get over the initial drizzle of emotional anxiety and mental restlessness, because of the pepping up by our empathic listener. 在这种情况下,我们克服了开始的情绪不安和焦虑,因为有了为我们打气的转移情绪的听众。
Mr. Kinder later developed 'financial life planner' training, which teaches advisers to focus on the client's life goals and use empathic listening skills when working with them. 金德之后又创立了财务人生规划师培训,教导财务顾问关注客户的人生目标,在与客户沟通时将心比心地倾听。
When disasters strike we may have an immediate empathic response, but underneath we are often conditioned to believe that normal is where we all should be. 当灾难袭击时,我们可能会迅速产生移情反应,但私底下我们总认为自己应该恢复正常。
The training of empathic ability, a combination of aesthetic education and TCFL, gives an impetus to the development of international Chinese language education. 移情能力培养是国际汉语教学和美育实践的契合点,对于推动国际汉语教学走向丰富和深入作用巨大。
Empathic listening ought to be our goal as Toastmasters. 同理心倾听必须是我们演讲会会员的目标。
Empathic Transfer. You absorb others 'hurts. 伤痛转移:吸收他人所受的伤害。
Empathic listening involves much more than registering, reflecting, or even understanding the words that are said. 同理心的倾听,不仅包括流露在外的表情、适时的反应、甚至了解别人说出来的话而已。
The scientists, who reported their findings in the journal Nature, said the research shows that empathic responses in men are shaped by the perceived fairness of others. 研究人员将这项科研结论发表在最新一期的《自然》杂志上,并指出,男性对受痛苦者的同情是由对该人感情上的好恶来决定的。
With observant attention, they create analytic or playful pieces that are both an empathic portrait and a witty subversion of modern reality. 用观察的眼光去看待事物,艺术家们创造出具有分析力且趣味无穷的作品。它们具有着强烈图片感和对现代现实的一种幽默的颠覆。
Could it be that the horror involved in the empathic identification required brings the shutters down? 是需要的感情移入的识别所涉及的恐惧拉下了百叶窗吗?
The Effects of Perspective Taking and Empathic Concern on Helping Behavior: The Moderating Role of Group Membership 观点采择与共情反应对助人行为的影响:群体关系的调节作用
A flourishing intimacy is likely to demand an extraordinary amount of empathic and patient cultivation from both partners. 一种欣荣的亲密可能要求双方用非常多的耐心和移情培养。
It comes down to their capacity to be an empathic, caring and compassionate provider; and it comes not from their medical knowledge but from their soul. 这会给于他们充满爱心仁慈和真情流露的帮助别人的能力,这种能力不是来自于医学专业知识而是来自他们的心灵。
He's selfless and empathic. 他很无私,而且很投入。
In the hour of greatest need, empathic care brings great comfort. 在最需要的时刻,贴切的一分爱,就有很大的安抚力量。
Rather than bring the customers to the company, empathic design calls for company representatives to watch customers using products and services in the context of their own environments. 设身处地的设计不是把消费者带到公司里来,而是要求公司派代表去观察消费者如何在他们自己的环境中使用产品和接受服务。
In empathic listening, you listen with your ears* with your eyes and with your heart. 以同理心倾听时,你用你的耳、你的眼和你的心来听。
Facial Expression Processing of People with Different Empathic Abilities: An ERP Study College Students Emotional Quotient and Emotional Stability 不同共情能力个体加工情绪面孔的ERP研究情绪智力与大学生情绪稳定性的相关
What is required now, at the cusp of the third industrial revolution, is an empathic leap beyond national boundaries to biosphere boundaries. 在第三次工业革命初见端倪之际,人类需要的是在共鸣方面超越国家界限,扩展至整个生物圈范畴。
To accomplish that task, a set of techniques called empathic design can help. 为完成这样的任务,一套被称为设身处地式的技术能提供有力的帮助。
The shift from self-interest in national markets to shared interest on the biosphere commons, and the corresponding shift in property from the right to exclude others to the right to be included in global networks, is facilitating a vast extension in empathic consciousness. 从在全国市场追逐私利,到在生物圈公地共享利益的转变,以及从排他权到被纳入全球网络的权利的对应转变,推动了共鸣意识的大范围伸展。
It is impossible to be defensive and empathic at the same time. 防卫和移情不可能同时出现。
In accordance with the PDP the implicit helping intention of the subjects was measured; the empathic ability of the subjects was measured through the application of the Empathic Scale. 使用表示助人行为和中性行为的图片为实验材料,依照加工分离程序(PDP)测量被试的内隐助人倾向;应用移情量表测量被试的移情能力。
Empathic thinking; don't insist on own opinion and view the problem from other's perspective when argument happened. 换位思考,当意见有悖时,不固执己见,多从别人的角度去看问题。
This new understanding goes hand-in-hand with discoveries in evolutionary biology, neuro-cognitive science and child development that reveal that human beings are biologically predisposed to be empathic. 这种新的认识与人们在进化生物学、神经认知科学和儿童发育领域的发现吻合这些发现显示,从生物学角度讲,人类很容易产生共鸣。
Your sensitivity is running strong now that the Moon is in empathic Cancer, allowing you to play out your role as the artist or poet today. 你敏锐的感觉强力运转,因为月亮进入敏感和富有同情心的螃蟹座,今天允许你以艺术家或诗人的角色把戏演完。
They are also said to have an extrasensory function, playing a part in empathic and instinctive responses. 据说它们具有超感官作用,参与情感置入和本能反应。