ADJ (疾病)地方性的,流行的 If a disease or illness is endemic in a place, it is frequently found among the people who live there.
Polio was then endemic among children my age. 那时小儿麻痹症在我这个年纪的孩子中很常见。
ADJ-GRADED (情况、问题)常见的,流行的 If you say that a condition or problem is endemic, you mean that it is very common and strong, and cannot be dealt with easily.
Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities. 街头犯罪近乎是大城市的通病。
...powerful radicals with an endemic hatred and fear of the West. 普遍仇恨又惧怕西方世界的势力强大的激进分子
Polio was then endemic among children my age. 那时小儿麻痹症在我这个年纪的孩子中很常见。
Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities. 街头犯罪近乎是大城市的通病。
In societies where corruption is endemic, decision-making is slowed as more politicians and officials have to be paid off. 在腐败泛滥的社会中,由于要花钱打点更多的政客和官员,决策的制定会被拖慢。
He said that racism is endemic in this country. 他说种族主义在该国很普遍。
The global polio eradication initiative is developing long-term strategies for polio endemic countries and also for high-risk polio-free countries. 全球根除脊髓灰质炎倡议该疾病流行国家和高风险的无脊髓灰质炎的国家发展长期战略。
The chest disease is endemic among miners in this area. 这种胸部疾病是流行于本地区矿工中的地方病。
Prevent, treat and control epidemic, endemic, occupational and other diseases; and 预防、治疗和控制传染病、风土病、职业病和其它的疾病;和
Control and elimination of endemic diseases is a long-term task. 控制和消除地区性特有疾病是一份长期的差事。
Monkeypox, onchocerciasis and African trypanosomiasis are endemic in the region, and epidemic-prone diseases include measles and meningitis. 猴痘、盘尾丝虫病和非洲锥虫病在该地区呈地方性流行,易流行的疾病包括麻疹和脑膜炎。
Objective To study the morphologic changes of central nervous system and endocrine glands in nervous endemic cretinism. 目的:研究地克病中枢神经系统和内分泌腺等器官的形态改变。
The islands have a number of interesting endemic species. 这些岛屿有许多有趣的地方性物种。
Let me thank researchers in hundreds of institutes around the world, also in endemic countries. 我希望感谢世界各地,包括疟疾流行国家中成百所研究机构中的研究人员。
The new technique is currently being used for epidemiological studies in endemic areas of Argentina, Ecuador and Peru. 这项新技术目前正在用于阿根廷、厄瓜多尔和秘鲁的利什曼病流行区的流行病学研究。
Hepatitis B is endemic in China and other parts of Asia. 乙型肝炎在中国和亚洲其他地区流行。
The virus is endemic in tropical regions of Africa and the Americas. 该病毒在非洲和美洲的热带地区呈地方性流行。
Americas: The last case of endemic measles was reported from the region in2002. 美洲:该区域于2002年报告发生了最后一例麻疹流行病例。
Objective to explore the current research and the developing trend on molecular mechanism of endemic fluorosis skeletal fluorosis. 摘要目的了解氟骨症发生的分子机理的研究现状和发展趋势。
Preventing transmission by blood transfusion and organ transplantation in endemic and non-endemic countries; 在疾病流行和非流行国家中预防通过输血和器官移植传播疾病;
A list of endemic species distributed in limestone region on Hainan is tabulated. 对海南石灰岩特有种比例较低的原因和保育进行了探讨。
The Greek political landscape is ingrained with vested interests, endemic kleptocracy and bribery. 既得利益、地方盗贼统治和贿赂在希腊政治格局中根深蒂固。
Tuberculosis is common, and malaria is endemic in many parts of the country. 肺结核很普遍,疟疾是该国许多地区的流行病。
Endemic countries in Asia-Afghanistan, India and Pakistan-will examine their progress in a February meeting. 亚洲的流行国&阿富汗、印度和巴基斯坦将在2月份的会议上检查它们的进展。
FMD is endemic in many countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and parts of South America. 口蹄疫是非洲、中东、亚洲和南美洲部分地区许多国家的地方病。
With the efforts for many years, great achievements have been made in the prevention of the endemic diseases. 经过多年的努力,地方病防治工作取得了很大成绩。
Objective To understand the effects of water improvement to reduce fluoride of endemic fluorosis in Chenzhou. 目的了解郴州市地方性氟中毒改水降氟效果,以及改水设施的管理和使用情况。
Schistosomiasis is endemic in74 developing countries, according to the World Health Organization. 据世界卫生组织资料统计,血吸虫病在全球74个发展中国家流行。
With reason: of its once 120 endemic birds, 40% are now extinct. 这是有原因的:该国曾有120种本土鸟类,现在40%都灭绝了。
Plague is endemic in many countries in Africa, in the former Soviet Union, the Americas and Asia. 鼠疫在非洲、前苏联、美洲和亚洲的许多国家流行。
Objective To explore the influence of drinking water endemic arsenism on congenital deformity. 目的探讨饮水型砷中毒对出生缺陷或先天畸形的影响。