Many of Kuwait's spacious freeways were engineered by W S Atkins. 科威特有很多宽阔的高速公路是阿特金斯集团设计建造的。
He could stand no more and engineered an escape 他无法再忍受,便策划了出逃。
This boom has been engineered by the Chancellor for short-term political reasons. 这片繁荣景象是总理为了短期政治利益而精心安排的。
This new jet engine is superbly engineered. 这个新喷气式发动机的设计实属上乘。
They are not expressing concerns about food safety and have not opposed other genetically engineered crops. 他们并不表示担心食品安全,也没有反对其他的转基因作物。
They engineered the new chromosome to let researchers shuffle genes around like a deck of cards. 他们合成了新的染色体,让研究人员像洗牌一样打乱并重组基因。
Concerns about genetically engineered foods have caused the market demand for non GMO soybeans to rise. 对转基因食物的担心使得市场对非转基因大豆的需求在增长。
I think these are the most beautiful things I have ever engineered. 我认为这些是我设计的最美好的事。
Last year, the United States Supreme Court considered its first case about genetically engineered crops. 去年,美国最高法庭考虑了关于基因工程作物的第一个案件。
Objective Preparing and testing CPC-PLGA polymer tissue engineered bone, providing a new-type scaffold material for Bone Tissue Engineering. 目的制备并检测CPC-PLGA复合物,为骨组织工程研究提供新的支架材料。
New-age Old MacDonalds will raise crops and livestock that have been genetically engineered to produce therapeutic proteins. 新时代农民将种植和饲养经过基因工程改造的作物和家畜,生产出具有疗效的蛋白质。
Corn, cotton and soybeans have all been genetically engineered to be Roundup Ready. 玉米、棉花和大豆都曾被转基因成为抗草甘磷(RoundUpReady)作物。
Microsoft has engineered a community infrastructure that can be used by every family member. 微软建设了一个可以由每个家中成员所使用的社群的公共建设。
Questioner: This seems to be a carefully planned or engineered stage of development. 发问者:这似乎是个仔细计划或策划的发展阶段。
She engineered a further meeting with him. 她精心安排又和他见了一面。
In malicious host surroundings, a software can be reverse engineered and also can be tampered with. 在恶意主机环境下,软件系统可以被逆向工程或被篡改,其机密性、完整性与可用性受到威胁。
They engineered a news story to divert attention from the scandal. 他们策划了一个新闻故事以转移人们对丑闻的注意力。
But because these systems have been engineered for forgetting, users tend to respect this. 不过因为这一系统被专为“遗忘”而设计,所以绝大多数用户倾向于尊重这一点。
We would not be surprised if he engineered this whole event. 如果方舟子阴谋设计了整个事件,我们一点都不奇怪。
A framework is a reusable integration of components engineered to facilitate development of a particular type of application. 框架是便于开发应用程序的一个整和的、可重复使用的特殊类型的结构。
To date, crops have been engineered for herbicide tolerance, insect and virus resistance and post-harvest quality. 迄今为止,已经针对农作物的耐除草剂、抗虫和抗病毒的特性以及采后品质进行了基因操作。
She engineered the whole excursion. 她搞了整个郊游。
Opponents of genetically engineered crops say they worry about possible dangers to health and environment. 基因改造农作物的反对者说,他们担心可能对健康和环境有危害。
The study examined how genetically engineered crops have affected farming in the United States. 该研究检测转基因农作物对美国的农业产生了怎样的影响。
Researchers engineered mice to suffer from a kind of rodent Alzheimer's disease. 研究人员对遭受阿尔茨海默氏症痛苦的老鼠进行了试验。
These engineered nanoparticles react with glucose molecules found in tears. 这些经设计的纳米微粒与泪液中的葡萄糖分子反应。
I may not be genetically engineered, but I'm no house pet, either. 我不是什么基因工程的产物,但我也不是什么家养的宠物。
Cows ate genetically engineered ( GE) maize and died. 牛吃转基因(GE)玉米和死亡。