Neither of them had any idea how long the body had been entombed. 他们俩谁也不知道这具尸体被埋葬多久了。
As millions were entombed, an epoch began that affected the entire world. 随着数几百万人被埋葬,一个影响整个世界的时代开始了。
The embalmed body of the King was entombed underneath or within the pyramid to protect it and allow his transformation and ascension to the afterlife. 因此他们在对国王的尸身进行防腐处理后,将其放入金字塔中或置于塔下,以使其得到保护,并借此助其进入来世。
For I was preaching the gospel of independence, freedom and risk-taking, while they were entombed in the cosy, airless coffin of big business. 因为我所宣讲的是独立、自由和冒险的信条,而他们却已被埋葬在大企业温暖、密不透风的坟墓里。
When he passed away, his family did a divination which showed that he should not be entombed in the royal cemetery but in the suburban dune which is the auspicious place to him. 当灵公过世时,家人卜了一卦,卦中显示灵公不得葬在皇家墓园,他应该葬在郊外的沙丘里,只有那儿对灵公而言才是吉地。
Until her child was returned, shi decided the garden of the gods become entombed as well& in ice. 在她的孩子被归还以前,她决定用冰把众神花园埋葬。
The old lady was entombed in the room when the ceiling fell down. 老太太被埋在掉下的天花板里。
Though some have speculated that the entombed Giza boats were used in Pharaoh Khufu's Nile River funeral procession, Hawass said the boat never would have touched the water, since it lacks sails. 虽然有人怀疑在吉萨入葬的船是用于胡夫法老在尼罗河上所举行的葬礼,但哈瓦斯说船从没下过河,因为它没有帆。
Music has here entombed a rich treasure, but still fairer hopes. 乐艺在此埋葬一丰富的宝藏,但更珍贵的是希望。
The remains of an unknown Australian soldier, exhumed from a First World War military cemetery in France, were ceremonially entombed in the Memorial's Hall of Memory. 在法国仍然是一个未知的澳大利亚在墓地的士兵,挖掘出从战争军事第一世界,被隆重记忆被埋在纪念大厅。
WHO emphasizes that the human remains still entombed under the rubble do not constitute a public health hazard, as bodies do not "carry" disease. 世卫组织强调,仍被碎石瓦砾掩埋的人体残骸不会构成公共卫生危害,因为这些尸体不“带有”疾病。
Sixty men were entombed by the mine explosion. 矿坑爆炸致使六十个人被活埋。
Many people were entombed in the rubble of the bombed buildings. 很多人被埋在炸毁的建筑物的瓦砾里。
His pallor was so peculiar, that it seemed to pertain to one who had been long entombed, and who was incapable of resuming the healthy glow and hue of life. 但那种苍白的脸色是很显眼的,仿佛他曾被长期囚禁在一座坟墓里,以致无法再恢复常人那种健康的肤色了。
The negative impact of S T emerges increasingly and has a trend to more serious. If people do not take measures to eliminate the negative impact of S T, the human civilization will face the danger of being wrote off and entombed. 科技的负效应日益显现,并有日益严重之势,如果人类不设法消除、减少科技的负效应泛化,人类的文明有被抹杀和埋葬的危险。