In the future we envision a federation of companies 我们设想将来会成立一个公司联盟。
Most people do stop at this point, not envisioning that there is anything beyond. 大多数人确实都在这里停下,想象不到在这之外还会有些什么。
Looking forward to the future, we envision a profoundly glorious future for China's development. 展望未来,中国的发展前景无限美好。
These people could envision the final system from the outset of a project. 这些人可以通过工程的外观而预见到最终的系统。
First, it could be used to enact the business process to envision how it would work. 首先,它可以被用来制定业务过程想象它将如何工作。
True innovation means using your imagination, exercising the capacity to envision new possibilities. 真正的创新意味着运用你的想象力,发挥你的潜力,创造新的可能性。
Envision the things you desire as being achievable and they will be. 想象你想做的每件事都是可达到的,并最终会达到。
Or you can envision the idiot in a bubble. 或者你也可以把傻瓜看成一个泡泡。
I could envision more comprehensive reform proposals that would be able to broaden coverage and bring down costs. 我还能想象出更多更全卖弄的改革方案,既能扩大覆盖面,又能降低系统成本。
How do you envision the system being used in a commercial world? 您如何展望商业世界正在使用的系统?
Envision the dog as an adult. 想像你的狗如同一个成人。
The world I envision for her, how do I want men to be acting and behaving? 我希望她的世界里,我会希望男性如何对待女性?
But in our last moments together, tell me how you envision all your work. 但在我们讲堂接近尾声的时刻,告诉我您对您所有工作的设想吧。
I closed my eyes and tried to envision what it was I wanted to paint. 我闭上眼睛,试着去想象我要画的东西。
It simply requires that you envision interactions that emulate the qualities of a sensitive and caring person. 你只需要想像一个关心他人的人是如何和别人打交道的,效仿他就可以了。
I envision tooling where one designer can switch personality between different process languages. 我可以预见到这样的一种工具,其中设计者可以在不同过程语言间切换身份。
And it pained me the most to know that you can envision your life without me. 最让我心痛的是你可以允许你的人生中没有我。
And let that which you have chosen to release and envision for your year ahead become so! 让我们已选择去释放和对明年的展望成为现实!
Train the envision ability of the students, and innovation ability, transpire their thoughts. 培养学生的想象能力,创新能力,发散性思维。
If you see failure, you'll create it, so why not envision success, instead. 如果你看到了失败,你将真的创造出失败。所以为什么不想象成功呢?
Thank you, Bill. I got it. I will envision it repeatedly. 谢谢你,比尔,我明白了。我会再三的思索的。
One application the researchers envision for the camera is flow cytometry, a technique used for blood analysis. 赞助的项目中包括一种流式细胞计的研究,这项技术将被用于进行血液分析。
Go your own road, do what you love and live the life you envision. 走自己的路,做你爱做的事情,过你想过的生活!
Consider how these women envision gender relations and the role of gender in their writings. 思考这些女性作家如何预见两性关系和性在她们的作品中所扮演的角色。
This is what I envision what a Chinese house in Beijing could be. 这是我想象中可以在北京出现的中式房屋。
The new model's proponents envision today's drivers and pedestrians blending into a colorful and peaceful traffic stream. 这种新模式的支持者设想着今天的驾驶者和行人都融进这种新式的多彩和谐的交通当中去。
How do you envision supporting this new project ( referring to bugs, enhancements)? 你计划今后如何为此项目提供支持(针对bug和增强)?
It's difficult to envision pirates without flintlocks, so they were a must. 很难想象一个没有燧石枪的海盗,因此它的存在成为了必须。
Hitherto, it has not been possible to envision a peace settlement. 到目前为止,还没有一个可能的和平解决的构想。
We envision that not all tools will support both modeling and execution of business processes. 我们设想的是并非所有工具都同时支持业务流程建模和执行。