He talked about the country's ephemeral unity being shattered by the defeat 他谈到战败使得该国短暂的统一彻底破灭。
These paintings are in some ways a reminder that earthly pleasures are ephemeral. 这些画在某种意义上提醒人们世俗的享乐是短暂的。
My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left her on my planet, all alone! 我的花生命是短暂的,她只有四根刺可以保护自己,抵御世界,我却将她独自留在我的星球上了!
40379 is the source, or ephemeral port, and is only significant for this connection. 是源或临时端口,并且仅对这个连接有意义。
Files stored here should be considered temporary because each instance's file system is ephemeral. 存储在这里的文件应该被认为是临时的,因为每个实例的文件系统不是永久的。
Ephemeral storage is the storage embedded in the virtual machine. 临时性存储是嵌入在虚拟机中的存储。
Other block devices, including ephemeral disks and volumes, will be ignored. 其他块设备(包括临时磁盘和卷)将被忽略。
The storage is called ephemeral, because when you shut down your instance, the information is gone forever. 这种存储之所以称为临时存储,是因为当您关闭您的实例时,信息将永远消失。
It's surprising how much value can be placed on an object as ephemeral as a piece of data. 非常令人惊讶,在不过就是一段数据的临时对象上,能寄予多少价值呢?
Yet hope springs ephemeral in this production. 然而,在这部作品中希望只是昙花一现。
Entropy increases, but complexity is ephemeral; it increases and decreases in complex ways, unsurprisingly enough. 熵在不断增加,但复杂状态是短暂的;复杂性以复杂的方式增加和减少,这一点也不令人意外。
In front of our ephemeral life, many are puzzled and ask themselves: Why are we here? 面对我们短暂的一生,许多人感到困惑,都在自问:为什么我们在这里?
Happiness is frivolous, fleeting, ephemeral. 幸福是轻浮的、飞驰的、短暂的。
I would say high school is ephemeral. 我会说高中时代是朝生暮死的。
My other writings are very ephemeral, but this book will be remembered forever. 我的其他作品很短命,但这本书将永远被人们记住。
It makes our life fragile, ephemeral, and as a result of that, more precious. 它让我们的生命脆弱,短暂,因此而更珍贵。
In the memories of time, only that which is ephemeral is lasting. 在时光的记忆中,只有瞬息才是永恒。
But the ephemeral is still ephemeral if you merely reproduce it and pass it on. 不过,如果你只是复制并传递短暂,它仍然只能短暂。
Their colours and their sense of the ephemeral make them a source of inspiration. 它们的颜色和它们给人的生命短暂的意识,使其成为一个灵感的源泉。
Patterns of deltas are ephemeral. 三角洲式样的变化是很快的。
If an ephemeral disk fails, that failure is scoped to that host. 如果临时磁盘坏了,那么故障的范围仅仅是那台主机。
He's saying that even though human life is limited, ephemeral and delicate, it's still beautiful. 诗人认为生命有限,尽管短暂而脆弱,但仍然非常美丽。
Time is eternal, while life is ephemeral. 时间是永恒的,而生命确很短暂。
You've got a new horizon it's ephemeral style. 你有了该死的新的短暂目标。
Some is ephemeral or vulnerable: garments and textiles, musical instruments, traditional habitat largely built of bamboo etc. 其中部分文化遗产是短命的或脆弱的,如服装和纺织品、乐器、大多用竹子建造的传统居所等。
Life is eternal. A lifetime is ephemeral. 生命是永恒的,而一生的时间却极为短暂。
There smiles the Divine Child among his playthings of unmeaning clouds and ephemeral lights and shadows. 那圣洁的孩子在乏味的云层和倏忽变幻的浮光掠影中嬉戏微笑。
Never bowing to the whims of ephemeral fashion, we have always held on to solid and lasting values. 决不屈从于古怪而短暂的时尚,我们始终紧紧坚持可靠与持久的价值。
The images reflect on the transitory and fleeting nature of life, they are in themselves ephemeral. 这些图片展示了生命的转瞬即逝,展示了自然的主导作用。
However, some of the most beautiful and incredible occurrences are ephemeral, creative and destructive all at the same time. 然而,一些最美丽的和令人难以置信的事物的短暂性、创造性和破坏性同时存在。