'This was a humiliation of epochal proportions,' says Mr. Caryl. 'A country that had been at the heart of the Western economic and political system found itself reduced to the status of a banana republic.' 这是一个奇耻大辱,卡里尔说,一个曾经是西方政治、经济体制核心的国家发现自己沦落到香蕉共和国的地位。
The world is witnessing an epochal global rebalancing. 世界正在见证一个划时代的全球再平衡。
It was a brief, shining moment in Egypt's history& a time of epochal change presided over by a Pharaoh named Akhenaten and his beautiful wife Nefertiti. 这是埃及历史上短暂辉煌的时期,是法老阿肯纳坦和他美丽的妻子奈菲提提统治下发生划时代变革的时期。
While there is no reason to fear that the world in 2014 is on the edge of such an epochal disaster, there are some disquieting similarities between then and now. 尽管在进入2014年的今天,我们没有理由担心世界即将面临那样一场划时代的重大灾难,但今天与彼时仍有一些令人不安的相似之处。
There is a mood abroad that says history will record that sanctions against Russia marked the start of an epochal retreat from globalisation. 目前国外有种态度认为,历史将会记录,对俄罗斯的制裁标志着全球化倒退的开始,具有划时代意义。
The construction of lighting culture cause, which has national, regional and epochal characteristics, is an absolutely necessary basis, and promotion for the development of modern society. 建设具有民族、地域和时代特色的光文化事业,是现代社会发展不可缺少的基础和推动。
The rise and now dominance of this emotional approach to morality is an epochal change. 这种从感情角度看待道德的途径的兴起和主导地位是个划时代的变化。
But, recalling those epochal reforms of30 years ago, it is worth remembering that they too tended to come in baby steps rather than great leaps, and often were formulated retrospectively. 但是,重新审视30年前这一划时代的改革,我们有必要记住以下特点:改革小步进行,而非大跨度推进,且经常走两步退一步。
This epochal shift in the financial climate means that even those institutions that come through the downturn intact will face a struggle to adapt to the new environment. 金融环境这种划时代的转变意味着,即便是那些完整无损地度过经济低迷的机构,也将不得不奋力适应新环境。
To set up a brief chronicle for LI Hua is beneficial to academic research in that it may establish a solid epochal and spatial foundation for the research of LI Hua. 为李华编撰简明年谱是一件有益的工作,它有助于将李华的研究建立在可靠的时空基础之上。
The new epochal intention of the ideological and political work with "taking the people as foundation" “以民为本”:思想政治工作新的时代内涵
The essential attributes of national documents are their ethnicity and information while their non-essential attributes are their diversity and epochal spirit. 民族文献的本质特征是民族性与资料性,非本质特征是时代性与多样性;
If breaking away from the epochal background and merely analyzing from the artistic and aesthetic perspective of the texts, this kind of writing tendency was not suitable in love and marriage subject. 若脱离时代背景、单从文本的艺术美学角度来分析,这种创作指向在婚恋题材的创作中并不可取;
The Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures is an epochal event in the history of Chinese culture. 摘要佛典汉译是中国文化史上的一个重大事件。
The article centres upon the historical cultural construction of New York school poetry in terms of urban, epochal and cultural construction, so as to explore a new way of thinking in this regard. 从“纽约派”诗歌的历史文化建构入手,主要涉及城市建构、时代建构和文化建构三方面,为探究美国后现代诗歌与历史发展的关系提供了新的思路。
The May4th Movement in1919 is an epochal starting point of the localization of Marxist literary and artistic theory in China. 中国化马克思主义文艺理论的建构开始于1919年的“五四”运动。
Epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill; an epoch-making discovery. 丘吉尔和罗斯福做出了划时代的决定;划时代的发现。
Safeguarding and Realizing the Peasants 'Economic Interests Is the Epochal Theme of the Rural Reform 维护和实现农民经济利益是农村改革的时代主题
Will the election of Mr Obama prove to be another epochal event? 奥巴马当选将证明是另一件具有划时代意义的事件吗?
Most of all, the book captures with haunting immediacy the human dimension of this epochal event. 最重要的,捕捉困扰的书这个划时代的即时事件的人的方面。
Historians, it is fair to say, will probably look back on the past year or so as an epochal moment. 诚然,历史学家在回顾过去一年左右的岁月时,很可能会认为它具有划时代的意义。
The mild political trend of contemporary feminism truly reflects the epochal theme and traits of the pursuit of peace and development all over the world. 当代女权主义政治倾向的温和性趋势,深刻地折射出现今世界和平与发展的时代主题和时代特征。
Even this epochal discovery was not sufficient. 甚至这个划时代的发现也不是充分的。
These are surely the right kind of diplomatic solutions to manage an epochal changing of the guard among the great powers. 针对大国之间划时代的角色变化,这些建议当然是正确的外交解决方法。
The approach to the teaching and study of Lu Xun's works is faced with the epochal transfer. 鲁迅作品教学与研究的方法正面临着时代性转移。
The second opens, struggles and develops in the epochal civilization; 二是在时代文明中开放、斗争、发展;
The magnificent and open artistic structure and epochal spirit embody his epic pursuit; 史诗性的追求是通过恢宏开放的艺术结构和时代精神的表现来实现的;
However, Confucius 'ideology also has the historical limits with the imprinting of epochal and social system. 然而,孔子的教育思想也有着时代和社会制度的烙印,具有历史局限性。
This paradox is the leading, epochal one in various moral education paradoxes, which is inevitable. 这一悖论是学校道德教育众多悖论中时代性的主导悖论,是必然存在的。