VERB 忘却,抹去,消除(想法或感受) If you erase a thought or feeling, you destroy it completely so that you can no longer remember something or no longer feel a particular emotion.
They are desperate to erase the memory of that last defeat in Cardiff... 他们急于抹去上次在卡迪夫遭遇失败的记忆。
Love was a word he'd erased from his vocabulary since Susan's going. 自从苏珊离开后,他再也不提“爱情”这个词了。
VERB 抹掉(磁带录音);删除(计算机文件) If you erase sound which has been recorded on a tape or information which has been stored in a computer, you completely remove or destroy it.
He was in the studio tearfully erasing all the tapes he'd slaved over... 他在录音棚里流着眼泪抹掉他辛苦录制的所有磁带。
It appears the names were accidentally erased from computer disks. 看起来那些名字被意外地从计算机磁盘上删除了。
VERB 擦掉;抹去 If you erase something such as writing or a mark, you remove it, usually by rubbing it with a cloth.
It was unfortunate that she had erased the message. 不幸的是她已经删除了那条短信。