Margins are eroding because new products cannibalize older products. 利润率也在下降,因为新产品侵占了老产品的市场和消费者。
Psychological ones, on the other hand, impact future behavior by eroding at societal trust. 而心理泡沫由于腐蚀了社会信心,会影响到人们未来的行为模式。
The concept has been eroding for years, and it appears much of the problems go beyond Wall Street. 多年来,这一理念一直在遭到侵蚀,而且看起来问题不只是出在华尔街身上。
One spring afternoon, torrential rains washed down the hillside, eroding the entrance to their mine. 一个春日的午后,天空中突然下起了倾盆大雨,雨水形成的山洪猛烈地冲下山坡,把他们的金矿的入口冲垮了。
He says settlement activity is eroding support for the peace process. 他说,建立定居点的活动正在逐渐减少人们对和平进程的支持。
GM's cash cushion has been eroding for some time. 通用汽车的现金储备减少已经有一段时间了。
They may suck them for hours on end with the sugar slowly eroding their teeth. 孩子们会一连喝上几个小时,这期间糖分就在慢慢腐蚀着他们的牙齿。
That will mean that even with higher wages, compensation levels will fall in real terms, eroding consumers 'purchasing power. 这就意味着,尽管工资水平更高了,但实际意义上的薪酬水平还是会下降,从而侵蚀消费者的购买力。
The cost of shipping food also doubled last year, further eroding donors 'budgets. 去年,食品运输成本亦增加一倍,这进一步消耗了援助国的预算。
But the IMF suffers from problems of eroding legitimacy and inadequate leverage. 但IMF面临着正统性不断下降和影响力不足的问题。
I also want to focus on bolstering our eroding social cohesion. 我还希望专注于增强我们日渐消退的政治凝聚力。
Social networking is eroding our personal skills and turning us into robots. 社交网络正在“侵蚀”我们的交际技能,把我们变成机器人。
But in India as well, the old inferiority complex towards the US is eroding. 但在印度,那种对美国由来已久的自卑感也在减少。
BMW's bid to boost sales volumes appears to have been eroding the company's profitability for some time. 宝马对推进销售额的投资似乎在一段时间内减损着公司的利润。
Doctrines of privacy and equality for women are simply not separable: Eroding one imperils the other. 教义隐私和平等权利的妇女根本不可分:一侵蚀危及其他。
Jealousy and suspicion are eroding our friendship. 嫉妒和猜疑在侵蚀我们的友谊。
Any good loan is based on the security of the collateral, and GM's collateral base is eroding. 贷款安全是建立在抵押品安全的基础之上的,而通用汽车的抵押品基础正在削弱。
A pre-election resolution of the EU issue is unlikely as it would risk eroding parties 'support. 在选前就加入欧盟问题做出决议的可能性不大,因为这可能削弱党派的支持。
In a speech this week, he claimed that some governments are eroding the independence of their central banks. 他在本周一次讲话中指出,有些政府正在削弱本国央行的独立性。
Segmentation Algorithm of Gangue Image Based on Image Eroding and Region Growing 基于图象腐蚀和区域生长的矸石图象分割算法
Western support for Yeltsin was slowly eroding. 西方对叶利钦的支持正在慢慢减弱。
A lack of trust in financial intermediation is eroding both supply and demand for public equity, he argues. 他指出,投资者对于金融中介的不信任,正在同时侵蚀公开交易股票的供给和需求。
Even taboos against games such as poker and mahjong are eroding. 甚至对扑克和麻将等游戏的禁忌也在逐渐消逝。
In this paper, based on experiment, the flow and characteristics near the bank base is researched, and the mechanism for bank base eroding of rigidity revetment is discussed. 以试验为基础,对刚性护岸岸脚水流的流态、特性进行了研究,探讨刚性护岸岸脚淘刷的机理。
Thus is global financial capital eroding the autonomy of national capital. 这就是侵蚀国家资本自主权的国际金融资本。
They were more explicit about their impatience with inflation in the form of the rising port fees and fuel costs that are eroding their ability to make a living. 司机们明确表现出对通胀正在失去耐心,港口费用和燃料成本的不断上涨侵蚀了他们的谋生能力。
However, local wage inflation is eroding the advantage and earthquakes and floods are highlighting the fragility of long-distance supply chains. 然而,这些国家工资的上涨,正在侵蚀这种优势,而地震和洪水灾难也凸显了远程供应链的脆弱性。
Technology and globalisation are eroding traditional middle class living standards. 技术和全球化正在侵蚀传统的中产阶级生活标准。