Author and essayist Christopher Hitchens has died in MD, Anderson Cancer Center in Houston after a battle with cancer, he was 62. 经过与癌症的斗争,作家及散文家克里斯托弗?希金斯在休斯顿安德森癌症中心死于md,享年62岁。
The guards are commendable, because right or wrong they believe in the ideals of the institution, said Lorenzo Del Boca, an essayist who has written extensively about the royal family. 这些士兵值得称赞,因为不管怎样,他们是相信那个制度的理想,洛伦索·德尔博卡(LorenzoDelBoca)撰写过大量关于这个皇室家族的文章。
A similar theme illuminates the writings of Leslie Jamison, a 31-year-old Yale graduate student who has emerged as an accomplished essayist in her acclaimed book The Empathy Exams. 31岁的莱斯莉·贾米森(LeslieJamison)的著作也阐明了同样的主题。她是耶鲁大学的研究生,凭借饱受赞扬的《同情心检查》(TheEmpathyExams)一跃成为知名散文作家。
But as Joseph Addison, the 18th-century essayist and poet, said: Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments. 但正如18世纪散文家、诗人约瑟夫艾迪生(JosephAddison)所言:我们真正的福气往往是以痛苦、损失和失望的形式现身的。
Where do you rank Addison as an essayist? 你把阿狄生列为哪一类散文家? biochemistry and did a postdoc in the United States before becoming a science essayist. 方舟子在美国获得生物化学博士学位并做过博士后研究,之后成为科学随笔作家。
1942-Holocaust: Future essayist Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday. 1942年的今天,安妮·法兰克(后来的散文家)在她十三岁生日上收到一本日记本。
It's artist's job to create sunshine when there isn't any& Roman Rolland, French dramatist, novelist, essayist, art historian. 艺术家的职责就是在没有阳光时创造阳光&罗曼。罗兰,法国剧作家,小说家、评论家和历史学家。
Rules and modesty destroy genius and art. ( William Hazlitt, British essayist) 规则与谦逊会毁掉天才和艺术。(英国散文家哈兹里特)
Emma lazarus, a poet and essayist, wrote the sonnet inscribed on the pedestal of the statue of liberty. 诗人兼散文作家埃玛?拉扎勒斯写了这首被镌刻在自由女神像基座上的十四行诗。
The essayist, unlike the novelist, the poet, and the playwright, must be content in his self-imposed role of second-class citizen. 散文家不像小说家、诗人和剧作家,他必须满足于自己强加上身的二等公民的角色。
Bacon is considered the greatest essayist in World Literature. 培根被认为是世界文学中最伟大的散文家。
Thomas Carlyle, British essayist and historian 英国家、学家卡莱尔T
Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves.& Thomas Carlyle British essayist and historian 沉默是造就伟大速写的因素。英国散文家、历史学家卡莱尔
He was an eighteenth-century poet and essayist who wrote parodies of other people's works. 他是一位18世纪的诗人和小品文作家,专模仿别人的作品。
Thomas Carlyle, the eminent Scottish essayist, wrote that the history of the world was but the biography of great men. 杰出的苏格兰杂文家托马斯卡莱尔(thomascarlyle)写道,世界历史只是伟人们的传记。
Education is the transmission of civilization. ( Will Drant, american historian and essayist) 教育传播文明。(美国历史学家、散文家杜兰特)
Salman Rushdie is a famous British Indian novelist and essayist. 萨尔曼·拉什迪是一位蜚声文坛的英籍印度小说家和散文家。
Joseph Brodsky American Russian poet and essayist, b.24 May1940, St. 约瑟夫。布罗茨基美籍俄裔诗人和随笔作家。
Jean Cassou was not a businessman. He was a poet, an essayist, a novelist, an art historian and critic, editor of several magazines, a resistance fighter and he ran a world-class Museum. 让卡苏(jeancassou)不是一名商人,他是一位诗人、散文家、小说家、艺术史学家和批评家,还是数本杂志的编辑、一名抵抗战士,此外他还经营着一家世界级的博物馆。
Bacon was a famous essayist. 培根是着名的散文家。
The craft of the merchant is bringing a thing where it abounds to where it is costly& Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, philosopher. 商人的诡计就是把某件东西从盛产之地带到价格高的地方&拉尔夫。瓦尔多。埃莫森,美国论文作家、哲学家。
Moreover, a book is not made of sentences laid end to end, but of sentences built, if an image helps, into arcades or domes& Virginia Woolf, English novelist, essayist, publisher and feminist. 此外,一本书不是由首尾相连的句子组成,而是句子建成的(如果图像有助于说明)拱形廊或者圆屋顶&弗吉尼亚。伍尔芙,英国小说家、评论家、出版商和女权主义者。
1834 Charles Lamb, English essayist, died. 英国小品文作家查尔斯·兰姆去世。
Joseph Addison, English essayist, poet and politician. 约瑟夫·艾迪生,英国散文家,诗人,政治家。
David Mamet is perhaps most famous for his Pulitzer Prize – winning plays, but the author, playwright and essayist was also an Oscar nominee for screenwriting ( The Verdict and Wag the Dog). 大卫马麦特也许是最次为他的著名普利策奖获得者,但作家,剧作家,散文家也是提名为奥斯卡最佳编剧奖(判决和摇摆狗)。
Some people have suggested that Proust is not a novelist at all, but an essayist. 有些人提出,普鲁斯特根本不是小说家,而是散文作家。
He who has imagination without learning has wings and no feet.& Joseph Joubert, essayist. 会想象但是没有知识就像有翅膀但没有脚&约瑟夫。尤伯尔,小品作家。
In addition to teaching workshops and public speaking, Julia is also a poet, playwright, fiction writer, essayist, and journalist. 除举办研讨会、公众演讲之外,Julia还是一位诗人、剧作家、小说作家。
RUSKIN, JOHN ( 1819& 1900) English critic on art, essayist and sociologist. 约翰·罗斯金(1819-1900)英国艺术评论家、散文家和社会学家。