There are constituents in Europe that want the Eurobond to totally replace all sovereign debt in the continent, therefore spreading out the funding risk to all 17 members of the euro. 欧洲部分国家希望欧洲债券完全取代欧洲大陆所有的主权债务,这样一来融资风险就可以分散到欧元区全部17个成员国身上。
There are a number of Eurobond structures floating about that seem to be more band-aid than stitch. 大量现有的欧洲债券构成方案看起来更像是创可贴式的权宜之计,而不是手术式的最终缝合。
But so far, Germany adamantly opposes the Eurobond solution. 可是,迄今为止德国坚决地反对欧洲债券解决方案。
The state deal could be used as a template for creating a fiscal union and a common European debt instrument, known as a Eurobond. 可以将德国的联邦州协议为模板,创立一个财政联盟和一个共同的欧洲债务工具(即欧元债券)。
Germany and France are ruling out eurobonds as a solution to the eurozone debt crisis, despite renewed pressure before a meeting between chancellor Angela Merkel and president Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on Tuesday. 德国和法国排除把发行欧元债券(eurobond)作为欧元区债务危机的解决方案,尽管在德国总理安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)和法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)本周二在巴黎会晤前,两国面临新的压力。
The second reason you need a Eurobond is the effective collapse of the silly idea of leveraging the EFSF. 需要欧元债券的第二个原因是,将efsf杠杆化的愚蠢想法实际上已经流产了。
Of course, the EU cannot introduce a Eurobond overnight. 当然,欧盟不可能一夜之间就引入欧元债券。
Even a long-term process with the ultimate goal of a eurobond could be sufficient. 即使只确立一个以发行欧元区债券为最终目标的长期进程,可能也足以解决这场危机。
Ms Merkel can get her fiscal union, but in return she will now have to accept a Eurobond. 默克尔可以得到自己提议的财政联盟,但作为交换,她现在必须接受共同债券。
The spread of the crisis to Italy is why I believe a eurobond and a fiscal union are the only way out. 危机蔓延到了意大利,令我不得不相信只有发行欧元区债券和建立财政联盟才能解决危机。
If you really wanted to provide a backstop for Italy or Spain, the only long-term solution is what is known in legal jargon as joint and several liability in other words, a Eurobond. 如果你真的想为意大利或西班牙提供支撑,唯一的长期解决办法用法律术语来表示就是“连带责任”换言之就是欧元区债券。
A small Eurobond, covering only a small percentage of sovereign debt, looks like a tempting fudge. But it will not solve the crisis. 一种仅涵盖一小部分主权债务的小型欧元区债券看起来很有吸引力,但它只是敷衍之举,不会解决此次危机。
A leveraged EFSF would have the worst kind of Eurobond: a tranche in a toxic debt security. 杠杆化的efsf将产生最不可取的欧元债券:一种有毒债务证券。
Is the Eurobond not merely the next stage in this game of early denial and ultimate surrender? 欧元区债券只不过是这场“最初抵制、最终让步”游戏的下一关,难道不是这样吗?
Banks have developed other variations on the Eurobond. 在欧洲债券的基础上,银行开发出许多变异的新产品。
On a purely technical level, it does not really matter whether you create a eurobond, or whether the ECB buys all the debt. 纯粹从技术层面来说,是否发行欧元区债券,或者欧洲央行是否购买全部债务,其实并不重要。
Imagine Germany, the Netherlands or Finland were asked to sign off on a eurobond tomorrow. 设想一下,假如明天就要求德国、荷兰或芬兰签字批准欧元区债券。
She will probably win it, but she might not win a fight over a eurobond. 她多半会赢得这场战斗,但她可能赢不了关于欧元区债券的战斗。
This would have the advantage of developing an active Eurobond market. 这将有利于培育一个活跃的欧元债券市场。
If a eurobond should emerge, China should also invest. 如果说欧元区债券应该发行,那么中国也应该投资。
The development of the Eurobond market has had a great impact not only on European Securities markets, but also on other financial markets. 欧洲债券市场不仅对欧洲证券市场,而且对其他金融市场都有着重大的影响。
Total Eurobond issuance could be decided by a suitable supermajority. 在投票决定欧元债券的发行总量时,可以设定一个合适的超级多数要求。
The EFSF could conduct net Eurobond issues and co-finance projects with the EIB. 欧洲金融稳定机构可与欧洲投资银行一起,管理纯粹的欧元债券发行及联合融资项目。
Actually, they need a very large Eurobond. 实际上,欧洲理事会需要一种规模相当大的欧元债券。
Eurobond: A Eurobond is a bond denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which it is issued. 欧洲美元债券:欧洲美元债券是一种发行人以在发行所在国以外的其他货币进行标价的债券。
With investors increasingly worried about the government debt in core eurozone countries, including Italy, Spain and France, calls to issue a so-called Eurobond have grown louder. 随着投资者越来越担忧欧元区核心国家(包括意大利、西班牙和法国)的政府债务,要求发行所谓欧元区债券的呼声日渐高涨。
Long-term Eurocurrency funds can also be raised by an issue of Eurobonds on the Eurobond market. 长期欧洲货币资金也可通过在欧洲债券市场发行欧洲债券来筹集。
That is the simple reason why the eurozone needs a Eurobond and a lender of last resort function in the system. 就因为这个简单的原因,欧元区需要欧元区共同债券,还需要有一个机构行使最后贷款人的功能。