The approach of exegetic reading of Chinese poetry and prose is a means developed by the Japanese in accepting Chinese classics and then writing poetry and prose in Chinese. 汉诗文训读法是一种双向处理汉诗文与和文,使二者相互训译转换的语言机制,是日本接受汉籍并进而创作汉诗文之津桥。
The basic pattern and function of the approach of exegetic reading can be understood in the three stage structure from the original through the exegetic version to the spoken version to interpret Chinese poetry and prose in present days. 从现今日本解读汉诗文所采取的原文、训读文、口语译文的三段式结构中,可以认知汉诗文训读法的基本形态与工作原理。