
n.  抵罪,赎罪


BNC.37700 / COCA.33669


  1. VERB 赎(罪);抵偿;补偿
    If you expiate guilty feelings or bad behaviour, you do something to indicate that you are sorry for what you have done.
    1. It seemed that Alice was expiating her father's sins with her charity work.


  1. As for me, if suffering be an expiATion, then AT this moment I have expiATed all my faults, whATever they have been
  2. A voice within his conscience replied: "The most divine of human generosities, the expiation for others."
  3. This was a place of expiation, and not of punishment; and yet, it was still more austere, more gloomy, and more pitiless than the other.
  4. And in these two places, so similar yet so unlike, these two species of beings who were so very unlike, were undergoing the same work, expiation.
  5. But this expiation did not satisfy two sainted women, Madame Courtin, Marquise de Boucs, and the Comtesse de Chateauvieux.
  6. And a buck goat for sin, besides the things that are wont to be offered for sin, for expiation, and for the perpetual holocaust with their sacrifice and libations.
  7. The important marking of the successful occupation and technique education in Australia is a new apprentice system in each profession of universality and expiation.
  8. Whereas, he still hope to look for the expiation to the comedown of tradition by analysing the "story".? A Property All Risk Insurance Policies insures property against loss or damage by natural hazards or accident.
  9. And when thou shalt have made an end of the expiation thereof, thou shalt offer a calf of the herd without blemish, and a ram of the flock without blemish.
  10. Seven days they shall make expiation for the altar and cleanse it, and so consecrate it.
  11. And he shall lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be accepted for him, to make expiation for him.
  12. And one male goat, to make expiation for you.
  13. Having power to atone for or offered by way of expiation or propitiation.
  14. The expiation of crimes, and renovation of the forfeited hopes of divine favor, therefore constitutes a large part of every religion. ( No.110)
  15. May this car be an expiation!
  16. The trespass offering is like the sin offering; there is one law for them: The priest who makes expiation with it shall have it.
  17. He made a public apology in expiation of his error.
  18. And the priest shall make expiation for him concerning the matter in which he erred without intent and did not know, and he will be forgiven.
  19. And the priest shall make expiation for him with the ram of the trespass offering, and he will be forgiven.
  20. This system of belief was further formulated into the theological system of Yin-yang and the human world. Harmony of Yin-Yang and Expiation of Five Elements& Ecological Significance of Universe, Yin-Yang and Five Elements theory of Tung Chung-shu
  21. The expiation sum should be larger than the loss of the subject to exert its function of stimulation.
  22. The third part is the conclusion part, the perfect our country city house dismantles to move in expiation of system.
  23. Commiseration and Expiation: Battle Cry for Self-Identification of Female Sex in WANG An'yi and TIE Ning's love novels
  24. The act or process of making amends; expiation.
  25. They can be plug-installed power compensator, the power factor can be more than 0.9 after expiation.
  26. Conclusion Interspace expanding of environmental profit and loss can promote environmental expiation and regional sustainable development.
  27. To minish the effect of temperature change to the stability of DTG, the temperature expiation project was designed.
  28. Numeral-line is an important matter in mathematics and applied in tenancy trade, expiation trade and technology trade widely.
  29. The vulgar personality and the negation of ego make He Qifang produce the expiation consciousness, and weaken the power of literary dream, meanwhile, strengthen the power of political dream.
  30. The three chapter, analyze the innovation and understanding of author when she use The Holy Bible archetypal, mainly from the original sin subject, expiation subject and rebirth subject.



  1. the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing (especially appeasing a deity)

      Synonym:    atonementpropitiation

    1. compensation for a wrong
      1. we were unable to get satisfaction from the local store

      Synonym:    atonementsatisfaction